Chapter 7 ❤︎ Her

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Please Remember These Things!

❤︎ Y/N Means Your Name

❤︎F/N Means First Name

❤︎L/N Means Last Name

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name

❤︎POV Means Point of View 

Your POV

After a bit, Daniel let me go, but it wasn't just for the sake of it. Daniel's ears were perked up and he looked toward a girl with blonde hair. I stood on my tippy toes to see above the bush me and Daniel were behind to look over. I saw the girl, too. But it wasn't just any girl. It was Maria.

"Daniel!? Daniel!? Daniel where are you!?" She shouted frantically. Daniel stepped out of the bush. I take that back, he fell out. "Yeah?" He said as he was still on the ground. "There you are!" Maria said with a grin. I stepped out of the bush, tripping on a stick and landed on Daniel. We both made 'oof' sounds. "You!" Growled Maria.

I rolled off of Daniel and stood up, holding my head. "You? Who- Oh. Me." I said quietly. Daniel stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh no.." I think I heard him say under his breath.

"Why do you keep trying to steal Daniel!!" Yelled Maria. "What?" I was confused. "You keep trying to steal Daniel from me! That's unacceptable!!" Maria yelled louder. I think all of Starlight Wonderland could hear her, honestly. "If you talk to him again, you won't know what came to you! Come on Daniel, lets go. You don't want to talk to this loser." Maria said with a 'hmph'.

Daniel shot a sympathetic look towards me before walking off with Maria. I saw Maria take Daniel's hand as she shot a look towards me. She had a smirk. I sighed.

It's gonna be one of these days.

I sighed and walked home, alone. When I got home I grabbed my phone and called Blaze. It went to voicemail. Great. I have no one to talk to. I looked at my contacts. There was Dottie, but I'm 99% sure Dottie was with Blaze right now. I could call Ryland but, he's Ryland.

I settle myself down onto my bed and grab the remote beside my bed and turn on some MoonShaft Diaries. I loved that series!! I was gonna binge watch it for the.. What.. 15th time? I think all my friends knew I was addicted. I got up and prepared some popcorn while the trailer played. When it was finished I grabbed the bowl and jumped onto my bed and ate the popcorn while MoonShaft Diaries played.

I heard a knock on the door and I yell with popcorn in my mouth. "Come in!!" It was on episode 15 season 1 named "To Dark Port!!". It was Daniel. I quickly jumped up and struggled and panicked to turn off MineShaft Diaries. It must've been a hilarious sight. "Daniel!?" I said with a mouth full of popcorn. Daniel chuckled at the sight. I guess it was a hilarious sight.

Daniel's POV

Oh my Irene, she was so cute!! What was she watching? When I walked in, she started panicking and I swear I could see sweat. It was.. Honestly hilarious.

"Hey Y/N!" I said, grinning. "Oh... Daniel!! What a pleasant surprise!!" Said Y/N, obviously embarrassed.

Your POV

I was so embarrassed. Then I remembered, oh my Irene. Maria doesn't want Daniel anywhere near me. What if she found out me and Daniel were here in my hotel room? "Hey, Daniel?" I said looking up to him, my EA/C ears flicking as I sat down. He sat down beside me, gazing into my E/C eyes. "Yeah?" He said in adorable voice. I blushed as he talked, but continued, feeling my face burning up. "What if.. What if Maria finds out you're here?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Oh don't worry, she can't hurt a fly!" Laughed Daniel. I nodded. Was that true though?

"Because I'm here, what do you wanna do?" Grinned Daniel.  I nodded, grinning wildly. I loved it when I did things with Daniel. "I heard there was a pottery class on the island, wanna go over there and do the classes?" I asked, my tail wagging. "Sure!" Daniel said. Daniel mumbled something, but I didn't hear. I wanted to question it, but I didn't.

I got up quickly and grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. Daniel stood up. I almost immediately wrapped my fingers around Daniel's, running out of my hotel room and running onto resort grounds. "Alright.. I actually have no clue where it is so.. Is there a map somewhere or something?" I said looking around. "Well, this hotel is near an airport so I would guess..." Daniel said stopping, squinting at a message board. "Maps are over there!!" Daniel said, now he was dragging me over there, running.

Daniel grabbed a map and spread it out. I held one side and he held the other. I pointed at one spot on the map where a dot made it's home. "There!! The pottery class is there!!" I shouted. Some people around the area looked at me, but continued on with their day. "We're right here, so.. Come on!" Daniel said speedily, grabbing my hand once again and running. I ran with him, him being slightly faster than me.

"Here!" He said, stopping. I bumped into his back. My eyes were closed. I was just admiring that Daniel was actually holding onto my hand willingly. "Be careful!" Daniel laughed. I rubbed the back of my neck. Y/N you klutz!!

When we entered, a woman walked up to us and explained everything. The next class was starting in about 20 minutes, but it was a couples class. "I'm sure that's no problem, though, because you two are a couple!" She said excitingly before basically kicking us out. My face turned bright red. "Should- Should- Should we- we do- do it?" I said, barely even audible. "What? Sorry.. I couldn't hear you." Daniel responded. I spoke a little louder, but less audible. "Shouldwedoit?" I said quickly. "Did you ask.. 'Should we do it?' Like the class?" Daniel repeated what we heard. I nodded.

"I don't know. It'd be dishonest.. And that's bad. We're not a couple!" Daniel said, as if it was nothing. I was having a full-on panic attack, how was he not phased?!

"Alright, then we won't do it!" I said, grinning. I was still blushing. I think I was on fire at this point. I heard Daniel burst out with laughter. "W-What!?" I asked, stuttering. "You're just.. Really cute when you're blushing!" Daniel giggled. "S-Sorry if I hurt your feelings.. I didn't mean to!" He said quickly after that. I laughed at that. "It's okay!"

"Should we just go and get some icecream?" Daniel asked, walking up to me.  I nodded. "Icecream sounds amazing!" I grinned. We walked over to the icecream parlor.

Then we saw of course, the expected sight.. I don't know why I expected this, probably because it's a cliche, but oh well.

Maria was standing there, with a devilish, yet angry, glint in her eyes. Otherwise, her expression was emotionless. Blaze was standing there, his arms crossed. His gaze was angry and looking towards me. He let out a growl.

What's going on?

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