Chapter 19 ❤︎ Investigation

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❤︎ Y/N Means Your Name❤︎

❤︎F/N Means First Name❤︎

❤︎L/N Means Last Name❤︎

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color❤︎

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color❤︎

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color❤︎

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color❤︎

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name❤︎

❤︎POV Means Point of View❤︎

Your POV

I squeezed Daniel. Dear Irene. What was gonna happen? Was my reputation ruined? My friendships?

"Who started this rumor?" Daniel asked alpha quietly. "I don't know. I heard this news from Travis, I think." Alpha muttered.

"Maybe we could speak to Travis, then." Daniel gazed at me, hope glazed upon his eyes. "Come on, N/N. We'll get this sorted out." Daniel whispered, hugging me closely. I nodded within his grasp.

Daniel picked me up, me on his back my arms wrapped around his neck. He was holding my legs so my legs wouldn't kick him. I laughed a bit.

"Onward!" I demanded. Daniel laughed a bit and began to walk out of the house, although it was evident that the tension between us wasn't gone yet. We headed over to where Katelyn and Travis were residing.

Once we were there, I got off of Daniel's back, although Daniel went behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I rung the doorbell and knocked on the door. Travis opened the door.

"Who is- Oh, hi you two." Travis didn't seem to excited about the sight of me and Daniel. "I thought you and Y/N broke up?" I heard Travis whisper to Daniel. Daniel shook his head in a 'no' motion. "We have some asking and explaining to do."

Travis let me and Daniel in, sitting down. It was quite the mess, honestly.

"Well, everything you heard about Y/N isn't true. We never broke up and she went out because she had to take care of her hotel for a week for a test from her parents. It wasn't because she was in any way 'irresponsible'." I never heard Daniel talk in this serious of a tone, honestly.

"I see.." Travis mumbled. "So was Katelyn lying? Maybe she just wanted to spread the rumor.." Travis was just mumbling stuff about Katelyn now. Me and Daniel glanced at each other.

We knew who we were heading to next.

"Where's Katelyn?" I asked, Travis looked back up, as he was looking down at his feet for some odd reason. "Oh! Uh, Katelyn? She's out with Aph at the taco stand!" Travis said quickly, getting up and opening the door so he could hold it for me and Daniel. "Cya guys later!" Travis said enthusiastically as me and Daniel left the house. A big mood change from when he first saw us.

I got back on Daniel's back and we went over to the taco stand, and there we saw it, Katelyn and Aphmau.

Me and Daniel- moreover me- got a glare from both of them, although Aphmau's was a bit sympathetic, like Aaron's was.

We approached them and sat down with them.

"Hey, guys?" Daniel gazed at them. It was much harder to talk to two people than one.

"Uh.. Do you need something, werewol- Daniel?" Katelyn had narrowed eyes. "Yeah.. I-" "There's a rumor about me going around. I just want to say that's not true. Me and Daniel never broke up and I left to the hotel for a test from my parents, it's not because I'm irresponsible." I explained. Daniel nodded as I explained slowly. I wanted to get the stress of explaining it all to everyone when it's my problem off of his chest a bit, although I'm sure he'd want to do it more.

"I see.." Katelyn obviously didn't believe it fully, but she understood. "Okay. I believe you." It was obvious it wasn't fully true, but it was a little bit true.

"Who told you about the rumor, by the way?" Me and Daniel both asked this at the same time.

Katelyn was a little hesitant.

"Well.. Promise you'll say I didn't tell you? That you just heard it from someone else or something?" Katelyn murmured. I nodded. "Maria. Maria texted me and told me.. She's the one who started the rumor.." Katelyn said with a sigh.

I should've expected this.

"Alright, we gotta talk to Maria, then, and set things straight." Daniel said, getting up, me following his steps behind him. "Thanks for shedding some light on the situation!" Aphmau yelled, waving as me and Daniel walked off. I held his hand, no, I squeezed his hand. I was anxious.

We got back to the house and entered it. Blaze, Dottie and alpha were talking. Blaze and Dottie looked back at us and ran up to us, squeezing us both.

"D-Dottie!! Bl-Blaze!! Stop!!" I wheezed. They released us. "We heard what happened.. I'm so sorry Y/N!" Dottie panted while Blaze apologized to Daniel. "It's okay, Dottie." I whispered in her ear as I hugged her softly. Alpha was grinning, but then his face turned a bit serious again. "Okay.. What did you guys find out?"

Dottie and Blaze let go of us.

"We found out Maria started and made the rumor widespread." Daniel spoke for me. Alpha nodded slowly before getting up from where he was sitting. "I'll deal with-" He began.

"No. I'll deal with this." I said confidently. "I started this nonsense, and I'll pick up after myself." I huffed. Alpha sat back down, not protesting in the least.

"N-No! Will you be okay?" Daniel was completely against me going to fight back Maria and her stupid antics. "I'll be fine, Daniel." I said. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. "I'll stop that rat once and for all.." I mumbled. I wasn't going to kill her- actually, I might...

"Be careful Y/N.." Dottie mumbled. "Yeah. Stay safe! Call me if you need me!" Blaze said loudly, squeezing me. I wheezed for air until he let me go.

"Do any of you know where Maria is?" I asked, gazing around as if she was suddenly going to pop up. "I think she said she was going to a cave. The one behind our house." Alpha shrugged. "Thanks."

Time to settle this once and for all. It's just me and you now, Maria. You and me.

Please Don't Let Go (Daniel X Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now