Chapter 13 ❤︎ The Date

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❤︎ Y/N Means Your Name

❤︎F/N Means First Name

❤︎L/N Means Last Name

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name

❤︎POV Means Point of View

Your POV

"OW!" I shouted. I was trying to brush my hair but because of my hair being wet yesterday and me not brushing it, it was very much tangled. Daniel ran in. "N/N, are you okay!?" Daniel asked. "Yeah.. Just can't.. Get.. This.. Tangle.. OUT!!" I yelled, yanking on the hairbrush. Daniel chucked. "Do you need some help?" Daniel asked. I nodded innocently. Daniel grabbed the hairbrush and helped me brush it, he did it so softly I barely felt it. When he finished I patted my hair, it was so soft!

"How did you do that!?" I gasped. Daniel shrugged. "I guess I'm good at that?" Daniel said awkwardly. I hugged Daniel before going and brushing my teeth and such. Daniel poked my ears and I jumped. "What are you doing?!" I asked, shocked. "Sorry!! I'm sorry!! It's just.. Your ears are soft.." Daniel said apologetically. I chuckled and grabbed his hand and poked one of my ears with it, my ear twitching. Daniel chuckled and touched my ears.

"So where are we going for our date?" I asked, Daniel blushed, embarrassed. He probably forgot, ahaha.

Daniel's POV

I felt my face heat up. Oh no. Did I forget about that? I need to think of something.. Uh.. Uhhh..

"We're going to go and get some dinner!" I exclaimed quickly. I saw Y/N chuckle before nodding. "Okay!" She said before hugging me and walking out.

Once she walked out I sighed. I can't help but remember... Maria. What was she going to do? She knows where me and Y/N are staying. What else does she know? How does she know? I want to protect Y/N, but.. How can I do that when Maria, who has so much power, is out there?

I walked out, seeing Y/N watching TV in the main bedroom of our hotel room. MoonShaft Diaries? Huh, I've heard of that before I think. "A-Ah! D-Daniel!" Y/N stuttered, blushing of embarrassment. I laughed a little bit before patting her head. "You're so silly!"

She continued to blush.

Me and Y/N watched Netflix for a bit. She tried convincing me that MoonShaft Diaries was oh so coincidentally on. She didn't choose it willingly.

I heard a knock on the door and my ears perked. "I'll go get it!" I said before walking toward the door. Oh no, what if it was Maria?

When I opened it, I saw Rylan. "Oh, hi Rylan!" I barked. "Hi Daniel! I was wondering if I could hang out with Y/N today? We haven't talked in a while!" Rylan said. "Me and Y/N are planning something today, but tomorrow nothing is going on, so come over then?" I said. Rylan nodded and walked off.

I looked over and Y/N was behind me. I jumped back. "You scared me!!" I said loudly. Y/N laughed.

After a while I got up and dragged Y/N out of the house. I got a call from Melissa that the pack was going to a haunted house, so I decided that was perfect for me and Y/N's date!

"Where are we going?" Y/N asked as she walked beside me. "You'll see!" I said, wagging my tail.

Your POV

I got a text from alpha Aaron saying that the pack was going to a haunted house and if I wanted to come. I politely declined, saying I had plans.

Daniel was now taking me somewhere. Was he kidnapping me? Hmmm.. Is it to late to call the police?

Then I heard a familiar, deep voice talking. "We're just waiting for Daniel." It said. Alpha? "Hi guys!" Daniel said cheerfully as he dragged me along. "Hi Daniel! Oh, Y/N, I thought you had plans?" Alpha asked. "I did, it's complicated." I said. Alpha nodded and eventually we entered the haunted house.

It was immediately spooky. I was walking with Daniel. At first, everyone was walking together. Then, after the first couple spooks, we all ran and separated. I followed Daniel, squeezing his hand.

"I'm spooked." I mumbled beside Daniel as we walked carefully. "Me too!" Daniel whisper-shouted. Suddenly, something popped out and we screamed, Daniel grabbing my hand and running. I ran with him, huffing. He ran really fast when he was spooked!

Daniel swerved around a corner while a 'monster' ran past us. I squeezed against Daniel, I was spooked! Daniel laughed a bit and patted my head.

After a while of running and getting spooked, Daniel and I hid around a corner, me leaning against Daniel.  I wrapped my arms around him, huffing. I looked up at Daniel, reminding myself of his beautiful blue eyes.

"Daniel?" I mumbled. "Y-Yeah?" Daniel said, still breathing heavily. "I really, really do like you.." I mumbled. Daniel's ears twitched kind of, a blush running across his face. "You really do?" I nodded. Daniel wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me.

Before I knew it, I was brought into a kiss.

I don't think me or him pulled away from the kiss for a while. When we let go from the kiss, I sighed.

"We should head out." I mumbled. Daniel nodded. My face was heated up and Daniel was blushing immensely. I grabbed onto his hand, our fingers intertwining, and we walked out of the haunted house, eventually finding our way out.

Me and Daniel were the first ones out, then coming Kawaii~Chan, Zane, Melissa, Kim, and then the rest.

Daniel rested his arm around me, pulling me towards him. "So, did anyone have a romantic experience?" I heard a more seductive voice ask. I swear I heard Kawaii~Chan vibrate before she ran off screaming, Zane doing the same.

"Wait, Kawaii~Chan, are you going to the bathroom!? Let me go with you!" Lucinda shouted, chasing after Kawaii~Chan.

"Well, that was weird.." Melissa mumbled. I don't think anyone noticed how Daniel visibly shuffled awkwardly at Lucinda saying 'did anyone have a romantic experience?'

Soon enough, we were making our way back to the hotel room. I yawned and stretched, falling down onto my bed.

Daniel sat beside me, laughing. "That was fun!" He said, wagging his dark green tail. I nodded, grinning, wagging my T/C tail.

Daniel and I ended up cuddling up to each other and watching Netflix. NOT MoonShaft Diaries, though!

Me and Daniel ended up falling asleep next to each other, only making soft noises as we slept.

I'd consider that a good day.

Please Don't Let Go (Daniel X Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now