Chapter five: You are safe with me ~ Protection ~

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( Goldie's POV )
Springtrap ran to me and hugged me. "The future will be bad..." He said sadly. But then he smiled and said "I got the second gift, though." Jack cheered and jumped in a circle.


The lights flickered off. "Well done, Marion." I said, clapping. BB covered Jack's mouth. "JackJack, we don't use that language at Freddy Faz- I mean whatever this place is."

" " we said. "Oh. At " "." He said. Jack stroked his head. "Sorry." "It's okay, Jack."_BB said, hugging him.

"Aww!! So cute!" I said, pulling out my phone and taking a picture. They rolled their eyes.

"You are going to pay..." A distant voice said. I heard a few tongue clicks.

( Swagpi if you are reading this then you automatically know what is coming. )

"For not knowing de wae..."

A bunch of silly looking red birds waddled their way towards us.

( Balloon Boy's POV )
"The... Wae?" I asked the birds. "Y- yes." A bird said. Then he whispered "I hate doing this! Got any other plans, Candy?" The other replied "No. This is the only WAE!!"  ( am I turning into Mike or something??? Heck No! Not puns! )

I told the others it was Candy's gang. They nodded. "Is this the wae?" Springtrap asked, holding up the keychain in the air. "YES! THATS THE WAE! YOU MUST BE OUR PRINCESS!!" The bird replied.
He is a boy??

"He is a boy!" One whispered. "Go with it, Blank!" The other replied.

"I'm a bo- AHH!" The birds flipped him onto their backs and carried him away. Then the birds changed into the gang. "GIVE US THE GIFT!!!!" Candy yelled. "No!" Springtrap yelled, running away.

( Marionette's POV )
Running for the, uh third time? Yes I think that's about right?? Hmm.
I'm actually clueless xd

Running for the third time, we tried to gallop to make ourselves faster but it was hard for me to gallop in animatronic form. "W- wait!!!" A girl yelled. The gang stopped and there stood a girl me...





  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) welcome! Have fun. * exits *

"Are you a bad guy??" I asked, starting to sweat. She walked up to me and sadly sighed.

"My mistake..."
Oh no....

Then it grew dark. The only ones left were Rat and Cat. She started to float and he screeched at us. We all screamed and ran away from her. That answers my question, now. But I feel like I know her.
You do😏

Then a voice whispered

"Remember me? Before you stopped roaming in the dark?"

It was her voice. "Vinnie!!!" I yelled and hugged her.

"What the hell are you doing, idiot?" Springtrap yelled. Goldie and BB turned around and gave me looks. "Vvinniieeeeee!!" I yelled, unable to let go.
._. I'm not even gonna warn them anymore. I said... WATCH. YOUR. LANGUAGE.

She was my best friend...

And here she is, chasing us and I'm running away...

I had to put a stop to that...
Yeah  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Vinnie blushed. "JAACCKKK!!!" She yelled back. Without a care in the world, we hugged each other while jumping up and down like bunnies.

"Now I thought only bunnies hopped." Springtrap said, starting to laugh at his own joke. "Yey its a reunion now we gotta move!" Goldie yelled, frantically pointing at Rat and Cat. "Yes, you can bring your girlfriend with you!!!!" Goldie yelled. "HEY!" We both yelled. Hah! Springtrap laughed.
Ahaha XD

( Vinnie's POV ) TWIST
I wanted to get Goldie for saying that but I knew they turned against me since I knew Jack. They were annoyed by me being in the dark all the time. I would never come out. Rat and Cat were just trying to get me to come back but they didn't know that he was Jack.
:3 I can imagine their reactions

"That ain't Jack, is it?" Rat asked.

I nodded and they gave me shocked looks.

"Hello Vinnie's boyfriend I'm a stupid little brat!" Cat said, mimicking Rat.
Oh Frick he just got roasted

"HEY!!!" Rat yelled.

"HEY!!!" Vinnie and Jack yelled at the same time.

"HEY!!! Wait what?" Goldie and Springtrap yelled.

"We will killllllll--- killll you..." a voice said.
YEAH we know that I think you ruined the mood

( Goldie's POV )
Springtrap jumped into my arms. "G- Goldie I'm scared..." He said, burying his face into my chest. "You are safe with me." I said, holding him close.

"Aww! so cute!" Jack and Vinnie said. I rolled my eyes and next thing I know my hat is gone. "HAT!?!?" I yelled madly. Vinnie pointed at Springtrap. He was asleep with my hat on his head. He was so cute in it so I let him keep it on.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"We need to spend the night here... It isn't safe to go out." Marylin said, running inside from the cold night outside. She mentioned a Shadow Candy.
That Stalker-On-Guard

"OK so where do we stay?" I asked.

Jack blushed. "Do you have a bedroom?" He asked Vinnie. "Yes, why?" She asked. "Maybe I could share with you?" He said nervously. "O- oh yeah..." Vinnie said, shocked.
Oh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"There is a guest bedroom, and oh, don't worry about me! I know where I will go!" Marylin said. I looked at Spring and walked to the guest bedroom. I placed the top hat on his face for shade and into hopped into bed next to him. "Goodnight Spring~"
Its su  cute!

( Jack's POV )
Vinnie walked into her bedroom and hopped onto the bed. "Hey Jack..." She said. "Hmm?" I said. "I'm so glad that I'm finally able to see you again, where have you been all this time?" She asked.

Things were going on at the pizzeria. Stuff like meeting Springtrap and other stuff.

She nodded and sadly said "Oh."
Why u sad?

"So what has happened while I'm gone? Did The Thing fuck up again?" I Asked, smirking. "Oh so many times you wouldn't believe how much times!" Vinnie replied. I laughed and said "I knew it." We started to dance, yelling

"I knew it!!! I knew it!!!" Jumping on the bed, we woke up Balloon Boy, who was sleeping on an air mattress.

He yawned. "Guys * yawn * keep it down, please! I was having a dream about a little boy's party and there were so many balloons!" I chuckled. "Alright, Balloon Boy. Goodnight."
WOW You woke up the balloon party. Well done.

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