Prologue; part 1

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      For hundreds of thousands of years there has always been an Avatar, a soul that is reincarnate into the world over and over again, each life line different from the one before, the lives never repeating. The Avatar has been born into each of the four nations more than once, and probably closer to about a thousand times each. The soul has been both male and female, and has long learned the trails and errors of each sex. But there is another soul whom has wandered the world just as long. This soul is called the Cytherea. 

The Cytherea is another spirit that is reincarnated. The soul is the opposite in many ways from the Avatar, however they are destined to be together. The Cytherea is the universal equal to its opposite, and can often be found with the Avatar, regardless if they are on an adventure or not. In most instances, the two become lovers. They have been together since the beginning of time. The Cytherea balances the Avatar as the Avatar balances the world. The job as the Cytherea and the Avatar are both hard and tiring, but together can help each other through the difficult trials and complete their roles in the world.

Because of the bond the Cytherea and the Avatar have, the Cytherea is rendered as weaker, and is often sought out by men and women whom want to make the Avatar useless. This is the explanation as to why the Avatar is so protective of the Cytherea. When the Cytherea is fully realized, she or he has the power to visit the spirit world easily and gain guidance from s/he's guardian spirits. If the Cytherea is not united with the Avatar before she or he is 18, they come into their inheritance of sorts. The Cytherea's inheritance is a painful transformation which, just to summarize it, will morph their bodies into the form best suited to protect, guide and love the Avatar. All Cytherea's are some-what submissive to the Avatar, some more so than others. The whole point of the inheritance is to draw the Avatar to the Cytherea faster. Although even if the Cytherea is already united with the Avatar, they will still undergo the inheritance process, however it will be far less painful.

"Do I have to keep reading this, Gyatso?" Aang was already bored of reading about his Avatar duties. The high monk had decided that Aang should read up on his Avatar duties, so he knows what to expect when the time comes, even if it was just reading.

"I do believe that you deserve a break, my young pupil. I do think the elder monks have forgot you are still but a child." Gyatso sighed. He was still furious about their choice to tall Aang before his 16th birthday. Never had an Avatar been told so young due to the risk of spiritual doubt in the young soul, and it was very clear that Aang was feeling very doubtful these days.

"Maybe they made a mistake?" The young boy seemed to be begging his mentor for an answer that obviously wasn't there. He was hoping to be told it was a possibility, but all he got in reply was a simple huff.

"Aang, please understand. There are several responsibilities  that come with being the Avatar. But there is also a few perks as well...." His mentor hinted

"Like what?" the young boy had to admit that the elder did know how to peek his interest.

"Well, for one you get to travel the world. You will learn from each of the three nations. You will be able to master water, earth, and fire. Each is a disciplined experience but you get to meet new people. And the pretty girls..." Gyatso laughed

"Lecher!" Aang laughed 

End of part 1

A/N: Hello to all of the people who can actually bear my horrid writing! So the first part of the prologue is finished! I hoped you enjoyed to Mentor to Student bonding! I really wanted to just give people an idea of the type of relationship Aang had with Gyatso and personally, I just feel like you can really envision it, but it might just be me..... Anyways, This is my first chapter ever and I just hope it was good! you comments and criticism is greatly appreciated!


Much love,



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