Chapter 8: Imprisoned pt 2

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Katara's POV

The metal gate bangs loudly behind me and I step forward, surveying the area for Haru. Haru stands up, disbelief written across his face. "Katara?" He says, surprised.

"Haru!" I hug him.

"What are you doing here?" Haru asks.

"It was my fault you were captured. I came to rescue you." I tell him.

"So you got yourself arrested?" 

"It was the only way to find you." I explain.

"You got guts Katara. I'll give you that." He takes me by the arm. "C'mon, there's someone I want you to meet." We walk for a bit before stoping. "Katara, this is my father, Tyro." 

Tyro is an old man with long grey hair and a beard. He looks at me curiously while eating some sort of soup. "Dad, this is Katara."

"It's an honor to meet you." I bow politely.

"Have some dinner Katara." Tyro offers me a bowl with what I can only assume is supposed to be soup, although it looks more like sludge and/or muck.

Tyro see's me grimace in disgust after seeing it. "Its not as bad as it looks." He tells me. "Its still pretty bad though."

A man comes up behind Tyro and places a hand on his shoulder. "Tyro, the prisoners are complaining there aren't enough blankets to go around."

"I'll talk to the guards. In the meantime make sure the elderly are taken care of. The rest of us will simply have to hope for warmer weather."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your escape plan?" I ask curiously.

"Escuse me?" Tyro lifts one of his brows.

"You know, the plan to get everyone off the rig? What is it? Mutiny, sabotage?"

"The plan? The plan is to survive." He tells me. "Wait out this war. Hope that someday we can go home and forget this ever happened."

I stare at him incredulously. "How can you say that? You sound like you've already given up!"

"Katara I admire your courage, and I admire your youth. But peoples lives are at stake here. The warden is a ruthless man, and he won't stand for any rebellion. I'm sorry, but we're powerless." Tyro looks down sadly.

I stand up. "We'll see about that."

I stand upon a slab of metal and knock loudly on a pan to catch the attention of the prisoners. "Earthbenders, you don't know me but I know of you. Every child in my Water Tribe village was rocked to sleep by the stories of the brave Earth Kingdom and the courageous earth benders that guard its borders. Some of you may think that the Fire Nation has made you powerless. Yes, they have taken away your ability to bend. But they can't take away your courage. And it is your courage they should truly fear, because it runs deeper than any mine you've been forced to dig, any ocean that keeps you far from home. It is the strength of your hearts that make you who you are, hearts that remain unbroken even when all rock and stone has eroded away. The time to fight back is now. I can tell you the Avatar has returned, so remember your courage earth benders. Let us fight for our freedom!"   Only silence followed my speech and I look down in disappointment.


I awaken with a startled gasp, sensing a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Aang, who puts a finger to his lips and shushes me. We walk over to the edge of the boat, only to see Sokka and (Y/N) sitting on Appa.

"Your twelve hours are up." Sokka tells me. "Where's Haru? We gotta get out of here."

Aang jumps onto Appa, landing softly next (Y/N). "I can't."

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