Chapter 3; The Southern Air Temple

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Wait 'till you see it, (Y/N)! The air temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!" Aang told me as he and Katara tied everything onto Appa's saddle.

Katara looked to me before saying, "Aang, I know you're excited but it's been a hundred years since you've been home."

"I know. That why I'm excited!"

Katara and I look at each other before I start off. "It's just... a lot can change in all that time."

My eyes met his before he said, "I know, but I need to see for myself." He smiled slightly at me before jumping off Appa and attempted to wake up Sokka.

After his failed attempts, I walk over a whispered in his ear. Aang smiled deviously. He grabbed a twig and traced a random pattern over Sokka's sleeping bag while I yelled "Sokka! Wake up! There is a Prickle Snake in your sleeping bag!"

Sokka jumped up off the ground and screamed while we laughed, Sokka glared at us as we tried to stifle our giggles.


Sokka was complaining about how Aang had accidentally used his blubbered seal jerky as fire wood last night. A large temple came into view and Aang exclaimed, "Their it is. The Southern Air Temple!"

"Aang, it's amazing!" Katara said while I looked at the Temple with an awed expression. Once Appa landed, we trekked up the paths. Aang and I were running, while Katara and Sokka walked. When they caught up to us, Aang started to explain the features of the Temple.

"So that's where my friends and I would play Airball," Aang points to a section below the small over hang we are currently standing on. The section he points to looks like a small field of sorts. The ground is stone, but had many wooden posts, two of which have a square goal on top. "And over there is where the Bison would sleep, and..." He sighs slightly.

"What's wrong?" Katara asks.

"This place used to be full of Monks and Lemurs and Bison. Now there is just a bunch of weeds." Aang lowers his eyes to the ground. "I can't believe how much things have changed." I place my hand on Aang's shoulder.

"So uhh... How do you play this Airball game. How do you play?"

Aang did a few cool tricks with the ball before he kicked it to Sokka's goal. Sokka and the ball both go flying through he goal, leaving Aang with seven points and Sokka zero.

Sokka landed near Katara. He said something that I couldn't hear, as I was standing on Aang's side of the field.

I giggled slightly and clapped my hands together as I approached Aang. "Congrats." I said.

Aang laughed and replied with, "Thanks." I smiled slightly at his pink tinged cheeks.

"So... did you play Airball often with your friends?" Aang shook his head and sighed.

"I used to," He sighed again. "One of the reasons that I didn't want to be the Avatar was because everything changed when I became it. I wasn't allowed to play with the other children because they didn't think it would be fair, and the Monks didn't want me to have fun and play games, all they wanted me to do was train."

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Well, I'll play games with you when ever you want. I pinky promise." I held out my pinky and he smiled lightly. His pinky attached onto mine.

Our moment was interrupted by Katara. She called us over, and we came running. Aang had picked up the Airball ball and was doing more tricks.

When Aang and I reached her, Aang asked "What is it?"

The Avatar's kindred Spirit {Aang x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now