Chapter 6; The Warriors of Kyoshi

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"You have no idea where you going, do you?" My brother asks Aang after looking at our map.

"Well, I know it's near water." Aang informs us as we speed across the ocean that was a few feet below us.

"We must be close then." Sokka sassily replies. 

Katara and I were assigned the wonderful job of sowing a hole that appeared in Sokka's pants. She hands me the needle, thread and the pants to finish sowing while she takes a break.

"Momo, marbles please." Aang requests. Once Aang receives the marbles from Momo, he interrupts Katara and I by saying, "Hey (Y/N), check this air bending move out!" The marbles in his hand start to move around in a fast circle.

I look at the scene from the corner of my eyes, excited to possibly learn how to do that move myself. I am about to reply to Aang but Katara snaps her fingers in front of my face and shoves the pants into my hands once she got my attention.

"That's great Aang." I say, looking at him for a second before turning my body back to the hole in my brothers pants.

I see Aang's expression falter for a moment and guilt consumes me for a second until Katara turns us both towards him and says, "That's great." before we get back to sowing. 

"But I'm not doing it now..." Aang mumbles and I send him a quick sympathetic look.

"Stop bugging them air head. You need to give space to girls when they do their sowing." Sokka tells him and I scowl at that comment and look up at him in anger.

"What does us being girls have to do with sowing?" Katara asks our brother and gives him a look.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants then guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting and stuff like that. It's just the nature order of things."

I send my brother an unamused glare and shove his pants in his face while saying, "All done with your pants! And look at what a great job we did!"

"Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these! (Y/N), Katara please!" Sokka begs while pushing his arm through the large hole in them to prove his point.

"Relax Sokka. Where we're going you don't need pants!" Aang says, and then pulls a concentrated face on, his tongue sticking out a bit as he turns Appa.


"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a bit more flying in before we camp out?" Sokka questions.

Katara backs our brother up by saying, "Sokka's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

Aang is looking out on the water with his hand raised to shield his eyes from the sun. "But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?" All Appa does is grunt a little and Aang repeats himself. "I said, aren't you boy?" This time, Appa lets out a yawn.

"Yeah, real convincing. Still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster." Sokka says.

Aang gasps and runs over towards the water, finger pointing at something. "Look!" 

"Are those the Koi fish you plan on riding?" I ask Aang in excitement as I notice the detail on the large fish.

"Yep. Thats why we're here. It's called the Elephant Koi. And I'm going to ride it. (Y/N) you have to watch me!" Aang tells us as he starts to take off his clothes. I blush and look away and Katara sends me a knowing look.

Aang jumps into the water in nothing but his underwear and comes up a second later and yells, "COLD!"

Appa walks down a path behind us while my siblings and I watched. Sokka turns his finger in a circle motion to tell us that he thinks that what Aang is doing is crazy as Aang swims towards the Koi fish. A second later we see Aang emerge on the back of an Elephant Koi and my sister and I both smile excitedly at the sight. Aang waves at us while laughing and I wave back and Katara gives a yell of support.

The Avatar's kindred Spirit {Aang x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now