Chapter 7; The King of Omashu

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Third Person POV

(Y/N), Aang, her siblings and Appa all walk towards a ledge on a large hill that gave them the perfect view of the city in front of them.

Aang raises his hands in the air, "The Earth-Kingdom city of Omashu. I used to always come here to see my friend Bumi."

"Wow! They don't have cities like this in the South Pole." Katara explains while staring in awe of the large city before her.

"They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka gapes at the city with his oldest sister.

"Sokka did you really think that all buildings are made of ice and snow?" (Y/N) teases her brother, standing on her tippy-toes to ruffle his ponytail. 

"Come on slow-pokes! The real fun is inside the city!" Aang exclaims.

Aang quickly jumps up into the air, landing further down the hill they are placed on and nearly starts sprinting down, but stops once Katara butts (haha butts) in. "Wait Aang! It could be dangerous if people know your the Avatar."

"You need a disguise." Sokka tells him.

"What am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang inquires.

During the time that this talking had been happening, (Y/N) gathered up some of Appa's shedding hair and sprints down to meet Aang and shoves the fur into his hands. "Exactly!" (Y/N) sends Aang a bright smile, going back up to get more supplies for his disguise.


"Ugh, so itchy." Aang complains, scratching at his head under his wig. "How do you live in this stuff buddy?" He asks Appa, who just sends him a look and huffs.

"Great. Now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka says.

"Technically Aang is a hundred and twelve years old." Katara replies.

Aang flips his staff up with his air bending and turns it multiple times in the air. "Lets get skipping young whipper-snappers, the city awaits!" And starts hobbling off like an old man.


Sokka and Katara are walking behind Aang and (Y/N) when Aang addresses all of them. "You guys are going to love Omashu! The people there are the friendliest in the world!" 

Just as Aang finished his sentence, a loud voice rang out. "Rotten cabbages? What kind of slum do you think this is?" The earth bender how said that then proceeded to smash the cabbage he was holding and then pushed the cabbage merchant out of his way, and then bends his stand of cabbages down the seemingly bottomless trench that surrounds the walls of the city.

"NO MY CABBAGES!" The man yells as we look over the edge with him.

"Just keep smiling." Aang mutters to us from beneath his fake mustache. (Y/N) just nervously laughs as they walk forward.

The earth bender swiftly bends a boulder above Aang's head and tells him to state his business. Aang runs quickly towards the earth bender and says, "My business is my business young man and none of yours!" Aang points his finger close to the benders face to emphasize his statement. "I've got half a mind to take you over my knee and paddle your backside!" Aang continues. The earth bender drops the boulder.

"Calm down old timer just tell me who you are." The earth bender tells Aang.

"Name's Bonzo Pipinpadolockztopolitz, the third! And these are my grandkids." Aang tells the man.

"Hi, June Pipinpadolockztopolitz and this is my sister, April Pipinpadolockztopolitz." Katara say.

(Y/N) then moves forward, waving to him while saying, "Hi, I'm April. Nice to meet you!"

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