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Have you ever had a gut feeling about doing something wrong? Something so wrong. . . You fed their sadistic desires as they lavished their attention and love on you. But you felt right doing somehing that you knew was forbidden.

You layed in their arms, wondering. How did you get here? What caused the chain reaction that lead here? How did seven bodies fit on the bed? The thoughts soon left your mind as you felt a cold kiss press against the skin of your neck. And soon another, and then another, and so on.

Would you have it any other way? No. To some it might seem crazy. . . Unsettling, but to you it was paradise. Why suffer through the pain of unloyalty, when you had a whole group of men that would literally kill for you. They made you feel loved and you made them feel loved, and that's all that matters to you. Of course you would be judged, but did you care? No, not really. You didn't care about many things. 

The six boys loved you and you loved them. The idea of choosing between of them tortured you, but why choose one when you could have all of them? You loved them all, and you knew the only reason they accepted this relationship was because of you. If you lose your love for one of them (which would never happen), they would lose their love for them too, and they wouldn't mind killing the unloved one. 

One thing that was sure was that their love was endless. Through everything they had been through with you, they would never dream of harming you, physically, emotionally, or mentally. They would never let anything hurt you, human or not. Yet, you still feared that they would leave you, but that would never happen, you thought.

You layed motionless in the bed, pleasure consuming you.


疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now