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The cold winter air nipped at your nose as you exited your home. Your skin had flushed as you wrapped your scarf tighter to yourself. A small shiver filled your body as you continued to walk to school.

"Hey, [Name]!" A male voice was heard. You turned around to meet soft, chocolate brown eyes.

"Yoshi!" You squealed as you hugged your beloved boyfriend. Himi Yoshitoki had been your boyfriend for two years (since your first year of high school), but he bad been your best friend since birth. "I missed you!" You said as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you too," Yoshi chuckled. He gently let go of the hug and softly held onto your hand. Yoshi was small for a boy his age, but he was slowly growing into his features, such as his big hands.

The school slowly came into view, students greeting eachother. Yoshi smiled at you fondly as he saw you smile at your friends. He didn't like the fact that you talked to other people, if he had his way, he would keep you to himself, but your friends made you happy, and as long you were happy, he was happy for the time being.

"How was your weekend?" You were asked by one of your closest friends, Etsuko. You were a social butterfly, and had a big friend group, but the amount of people you could trust was small. You smiled warmly at her, watching Yoshi throught the corner of your eyes.

"It was fine! Me and Yoshi-Chan-" Yoshi blushed when you used his nickname, "went on a date at a cute cafe. Other than that, I spent my time playing the video games you recommended." Etsuko blushed once you mentioned her, her fair skin turning red.

"R-r-really?" She stuttered out nervously. You laughed as she blushed harder. Cute. . .

Yoshi seemed to notice the small interaction as he narrowed his eyes at Etsuko. You took notice at the sudden shift in Yoshi's mood. The bell rang, alerting you to head to class.

"Bye, Guys! Bye, Yoshi!" You said. Before you left and headed to class, you lightly kissed Yoshi's lips. He blushed and scratched his neck as he watched your figure disappear into the school.

"Yoshitoki-Kun!" Your small six year old body ran to seven year old Yoshi. You had seen him fall down and twist his ankle. Of course at the time, you didn't know that his ankle was twisted, the only thing you knew was that Yoshi was in pain.

Yoshi grunted in pain, his ankle burning. He turned his head as he heard you come near him. His heart softened as he saw the tears in your eyes.

"A-are y-you alright, Y-y-yoshitoki-Kun?" You blubbered out. He frowned, he didn't like seeing you being sad.

"Yeah," He winced. He wanted the pain to go away.

"I-i'll go get your m-mom!" You said, the idea coming to you. He nodded agreeing to the plan.

You had gone to his mom. His mother wasn't surprised, knowing how her son was. Yoshi was taken to the doctor. He spent two weeks off his foot. And you helped him through it all.

And that's when he realized he loved you.


I MADE THIS CHAPTER ALONG TIME AGO (LIKE A YEAR AGO) AND I HATE IT SO MUCH, BUT I DECIDED TO KEEP IT TO SHOW HOW I ORIGINAY PLANNED THIS BOOK TO GO. THIS CHAPTER IS NOT CANON. can you tell that i hate how i wrote this? also, yoshi is going to be in the book, but not as a love interest. sadly, etsuko only makes cameo appearances.

疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now