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Soft snores filled your room, the warm blankets wrapped tightly around you. Your eyes were closed, your mind stuck in your dreams. The curtains dance im the air as the wind gently came in through the open window.

A dark figure sat at the foot of the bed, dying to inch closer to the girl. His eyes traveled over her face, inspecting every inch of the familiar face.

"Oh, my dear (Y/N), how I wish to be in your embrace, to be able to hold you, to touch you. It's not fair. It's not fair that the world wants to come between our love. I've been waiting for you for so long. . .”

He leaned in closer to (Y/N), almost completely on top of her. He put his head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"You always were a heavy sleeper, nothing could wake you up, not even a kiss." His lips slowly pressed against hers, but then in a flash, they were gone.

"I remember when you were little, asking me to be the prince when you were the princess,” His eyes narrowed. “Your sister was the evil queen. She tried to take you away from me."

She stirred in her sleep, alerting the man of her discomfort. He stroked her hair softly, humming softly, lulling her back to her dreams.

He smiled softly as he looked at her, “(Y/N), one of these days, you'll remember me and come running back to me."

The man lightly placed a kiss on top of the woman's (S/C) forehead. As soon as his lips left her skin, he left.

The window was once again closed, leaving no sign that the man once stood in her room.


疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now