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“We weren't able to adopt him," Ana's voice was heard through your phone's speaker. "Etsuko has been a wreck since we found out."

"Shit, Ana, I'm so sorry. Is there anything you could do?" You questioned, laying on your stomach, covered by the thick layers of blankets. February was starting, but the blanket of cold still hadn't left city.

"Well, we decided to become faster parents for a boy, well, a young 'adult'. He's coming to live with us soon."

"Are you sure about having him there? How old is he?"

"I'm pretty sure me and Etsuko can handle a nineteen year old, (Y/N)."

"Sure you can, Ana," You teased. "Just don't expect me to babysit for you and Etsuko when both of you go on a rendezvous."

"(Y/N)!" Ana scolded. "Anyway, we were going to invite you to the welcoming dinner, but now. . ." 


"I'm just joking. We're expecting you at our place on Sunday, seven o' clock sharp, okay?"

"Sure, Ana. See you later," You hanged up on the call, quickly checking the calendar. Today was Saturday, so that meant tomorrow was Sunday.

"Crap, I don't have anything to wear. . ."

Saturday ended quickly, and Sunday began. You only had a few hours before you had to leave, and you had gotten dressed too early. Seizing the opportunity, You had decided to make cookies for the new member of your make shift family.

"I hope he likes them," You muttered out, taking the cookies out of the warm oven, letting all but one out cool. You took a bite of the warm cookie, a hiss leaving your lips as the burning sensation filled your tongue.

“Fuck! That burns!”


疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now