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The cold winter air nipped at your nose as you exited your home. Your skin had flushed as you wrapped your scarf tighter to yourself. A small shiver filled your body as you continued to walk to your job. Winter was here, and you had anticipated it.

You were aware of the stares that were given to you. The stares weren't ones of admiration, rather, they were ones of pity.

Your sister had died.

News traveled quickly. Your sister and her fiance were victims of "faulty wiring," according to the local police. The fire that had burned down your home had occured during your class trip to Osaka, so you weren't home. Almost convenient.

Your sister had been engaged to her fiance for a few months, and you had known him for a shorter amount of time. Your sister was against you meeting her boyfriends for some reason, maybe she didn't want you to get too attached. You did know little about her old boyfriends, including her most recent ex, who she had to put a restraining order on.

Your sister was almost twelve years older than you, due to your parents having you later in life. So, when your parents had died, your sister picked things up where they left off. She had been fifteen and you were three. Despite living with foster parents, she was always in charge of you almost like a mother. She had gotten a job as soon as she could, making enough money to move out as soon as she turned eighteen and took you with her. She was your guardian.

You gave a small smile at the memory of your sister. You shook your head, leaving your small bubble of memories, as you realized that you were you were crying.

People continued to glance at you as you continued to cry.

You were alone.

You were abandoned.

You cried as you walked. Of course, it wasn't the most dignified thing to do, but you couldn't stop, even if you wanted to (and you did).

Slowly, you stopped to cry. The looks of pity stopped also stopped as you neared the busy center of the city.

Unbeknown to you, one person kept watching you.

"Oh, (Y/n)-chan, you've growned up to be such a beauty. You look just like your sister."


疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now