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The sound of the tracks and people chattering filled your ears, the train compartment full of warmth. A cafe had recently opened up, and you, being a foodie, decided to go and check it out. The train pulled up to the station, the bodies around you shuffling to get out. The station was full of people, but it wasn't that far from your destination.

A few minutes of walking later, you had finally sat on a cozy sofa, inside the lively cafe. It was almost empty, despite its popularity (that seemed to have left as soon as it arrived). Your sense of smell was soon hit with the delicious aroma of pastries and sweets, making your mouth water.

You were stuck in cloud nine, fantasizing about all the food you were going to eat, not noticing the poor waitress you had walked into, causing all the food that was being carried by her on the tray to topple over. You both let out a loud yelp as you fumbled to help her.

Across the room, an irritated sigh was let out by a young composer; who would disturb his peace? His long slender fingers brushed against the paper filled with notes and compositions, none of them were good enough for him. They all lacked something, and so did he. Inspiration. A muse.

Looking up, he saw the cause of the commotion. A young (H/C) haired women who seemed utterly beautiful. Something made her stand out.

The rational part of him face palmed at his thoughts, how could he be thinking such things? Nothing about her was abnormal. Everything about her screamed plain, but now he could see was her, his new muse.


im so sorry! last week was a very hard time for me, emotionally, mentally, and physically. i wont put out my excuses, but ill just say that i had no motivation to write. no worries, im back and i just want to say thank you so much for taking time to read my story ♡

疑心暗鬼 | poly!yandere!boys x poly!female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now