Chapter One: Emma

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Your POV

I walked into Granny's, seven o'clock in the morning and I was exhausted. Dealing with kids at the orphanage day and night just sucks.

"The usual Y/n?" Granny asked, cleaning a dish.

"The usual," I sighed.

Granny nodded as I sat down at a counter stool. The door bell jingled, signaling someone had came in. I turned to see a blonde haired woman with a red jacket come in.

Granny sat an iced sweet tea with honey in front of me as she helped the blonde woman. From what I heard, he name was Emma Swan. Sounds oddly familiar. I shrug it off as I go back to my tea.


It was getting close to curfew as I remembered the events of today. I met a sweet boy, who apparently was the son of the Dark One. How come my father never told me? I leaned against the balcony as the stars glistened overhead.

"Beautiful," I whispered to myself.

"Come one Y/n, bedtime." It was my older sister. By a year.

I turned around to face her.

"Yeah I know. I'll bee there in a minute," I said.

She nodded and she turned back around and went to bed. I sighed as I wished I could have a little fun. I suddenly remembered the legend my mother once told me. There was a place where people went to called Neverland. You could fly and make countless friends. Either animal or human. All leaded by a boy named Peter Pan.

I suddenly found myself saying the words that sends the shadow of the boy to take children there.

"I believe," I spoke, the wind carrying my words.

I went to bed, hoping that the shadow heard me...


I looked at my watch, it was 7:30.

"Darn it! I need to get to school!" I whispered.

I payed Granny and left, on my way to help Ms. Blanchard with her class. You see, I have two jobs, assistant teacher for Ms. Mary Margaret Blanchard and helping at the orphanage part time.

For some reason I can balance everything. Helping grade papers and taking care of kids seems really hard, but it's not actually. Well, I have had more experience than others, but still. I arrived at the school and hurried to Ms. Blanchard's class.

I walked through the door, just in time for the bell rings and class was started.
After school was over, it was high time for me to get going to the orphanage. My shift was about to start. But there was something I had to do.

"Henry!" I called as the young boy was about to get on the bus.

He turned around and greeted me with a hug.

"Y/n!" He greeted.

I ruffled his hair and I bent down to his level after we pulled away.

"I heard about you running away mister. What do you think you were doing huh?" I interrogated.

"Regina, she's the Evil Queen and Emma is my real mom. She has to break the curse!" Henry claimed.

"Henry, I know you think we are all fairytale characters from your book. But-wait did you just say Emma? As in Emma Swan?" I replied as I realized what he said.

"Yep! Emma Swan," Henry clarified.

"Lemme see your book real quick," I demanded as I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

He nodded as he reached in his backpack and brought out the book. He gave me the book and I flipped through the pages. There were illustrations of some of the people in town. It couldn't be...

I stopped at a certain page, where a girl that looked a lot like me was running and holding hands with a boy in green clothing...


I heard a small tap on my balcony window and I saw a black figure. Flying? It had pure white eyes that were glowing in the darkness. It gestured me to come over to it, so I did. It was the shadow!

I got up from my bed and unlocked the glass door. The shadow gave me his hand and I took it. Flying us to the second star to the right. I suddenly woke up on the ground, dirt and grass covered my silk blue nightgown. Oh no, I'm gonna turn into my sisters aren't I?

"Well, hello princess. It is very nice to be able to meet you," a boy said.

He had dirty blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and dark green clothes with a dagger tied to his belt. I looked him up and down, he was gorgeous.

"Who are you?" I asked, slightly out of breath.

"Did I forget to introduce myself?" The boy smirked, "I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

I gasped, "It really is you! I thought you were just a legend."

"Are you pleased?" Peter asked, a smirk on his face and twirled around, just to face me once more.

"Very," I giggled.

"Well, then princess. Let me show you around," Peter suggested, extending his hand for me to take.

I gladly accepted and we explored Neverland til dawn...

"I think it might be time for me to leave. My father and sisters will be worried," I frowned.

"Do you have to go?" Peter pouted, "I don't want you to leave."

"I will visit you every night Peter. I promise," I reassured.

"Alright then. Until tomorrow night!" Peter replied, letting his shadow come carry me away back home.

I waved at him as he became out of sight...


"Henry, I believe you. I mean no wonder Emma seemed familiar. She's Snow's and Charming's daughter!" I informed.

Henry smiled.

"Welcome to Operation Cobra!"

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