Chapter Three: Operation Cobra

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That night I leaned against the balcony, looking up at the stars. My sister was packing for her journey to her fiance's kingdom. I couldn't even look at her while she was doing it. I couldn't bear seeing another one of my sisters leaving my life forever. Soon enough my four other sisters will leave my life forever.

"I love you Y/n. I have to go," Hella speaks.

I turn to her and hug her tightly. I love her so much that I don't wanna let her go.

"Y/n, I have to go," Hella lets out a sob.

I cry so much, "I know but I don't wanna let you go."

"Milady Hella, it's time," a palace guard informed.

"Thank you Silas," Hella sniffled as she pulled away from me and smiled half-heartedly.

She walked over to pick up her things and looked back at me as she headed for the door.

"Hella!" I scream-sobbed, falling to my knees.

She didn't look back at me as she closed the door. Everytime one of my sisters gets engaged this happens. It leaves me on the floor of my bedroom, sobbing without end into my hands.

"Why?" I screamed to no one, "WHY?!"

I went into a screaming and sobbing fit, wishing I was never a princess. Six down four to go...


I walked into class before it even started and I saw Henry crying. I rushed to him trying to comfort him.

"Hey bud, what's wrong?" I cooed.

"My book it's gone," Henry informed as he hugged me tightly.

"Oh Henry, it'll be okay. Magic never really gets harmed you just have to believe it's okay," I reassured pulling away and looking into his eyes, "can you do that for me?"

He nodded and I smiled.

"Now, have a seat. I bet Ms. Blanchard has a great lesson planned today!" I smiled.

"Thank you Y/n. You're like the sister I never had," Henry smiled.

My heart melted as he said this.

"Oh Henry! You're so sweet," I smiled.
After school, I caught up to Henry.

"Hey Hen! Now tell me more about this Operation Cobra?" I asked.

"Well, we need to get Emma to believe so she can break the curse. The question is: How are we gonna do that?" Henry informed.

" said that true love's kiss breaks every curse. Maybe it has something to do with that?" I suggested.

Henry nodded, clearly in thought.

"Possibly," Henry said.

My bag suddenly gained a little bit of weight, but I just shrugged it off. It could just be me.

"Tell me more about you Y/n, I'm curious," Henry said.

"I work at your school, I help out at the orphanage, I eat, sleep, nothing really interesting," I inform.

"Did you say the orphanage?" Henry asks.

I hum in response, "Yeah why?"

"Did you see any children that resemble you or Peter Pan?" Henry asked.

"Um, I never really noticed. Wait, are you saying that I had a child with Peter?" I ask completely confused.

"Um no. That wasn't in the story, but it could have happened," Henry replied, "but you were also 15 at the time. So I don't know."

I let out a sigh, I didn't know I was keeping in. We arrived at Henry's house and the same thing happened today with Regina. Like she has some kind of hate towards me. Odd...


"Pst! Y/n!"

I wake up, Peter at my balcony. I get up, let him in, and we sit down on my bed.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"I wanted to see you again. You didn't send for my shadow tonight like you promised," Peter informed.

"I'm sorry Peter, my sister Hella left. I'll never see her again," I sniffle.

"I know. It must've been heartbreaking, being separated from your family," Peter said, pulling my into a hug.

"It truly is. I wish I was never a princess. So I wouldn't have to go through my sisters leaving me," I cry into him.

"Run away to Neverland with me. You won't have to deal with your sisters leaving and we'd have adventures every single day!" Peter suggested.

"I wish I could, but I can't leave the rest of my sisters. I'm the youngest," I reason.

Peter sighs heavily and I could feel it. I hear his heart beat at a slow pace. It almost makes me drift off, so I pull away.

"I wish you could stay with me, but you have to go back to Neverland. You don't want to age, but would you want to pay the price to stay?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I heard you named the new born horse after me. That was sweet of you."

I smiled, "Yeah. You're my best friend that's why I named him Peter Pan. Plus he also looks like you."

Peter smiled at me. Smiled not smirked.

"But I guess we need to go our separate ways Peter," I sigh, "we aren't willing to leave what's dear to us behind..."

"I will never forget you Y/n. Promise you won't forget me," Peter said, his eyes pleading for my answer.

"I promise..."


I get home after my shift at the orphanage and open my bag. It was heavier than it originally was. Dumping the contents out on my bed, I notice Henry's book.

I put everything else back and picked up the book. I turned to the near end of Peter Pan's story and began reading.

'He then left the only girl he ever cared for. Even years later he never got over her, so he watched over Y/n as if it was the bane of his existence. He loved her, he even watched grow more to his age. Even now, he watches, hoping to be reunited with her once more.'

I hummed in interest. Wow, Peter actually seems nicer than what he seems to others. Looks like he can love.


Peter's POV

Y/n, if you can hear me, I will find a way to get you back. I swear on my life I will. I love you too much to let you go and I realize that now. Just hold on...

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