Chapter Six: Confessing

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Emma's POV- (Oh yes I did)

All of us were asleep, getting ready for the next day. Until I heard crying. I woke up, grabbed my sword, and looked around. No one there.

"Funny, no one else could hear the crying."

I turned around to see a boy, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, green clothes, and a dagger attached to his belt.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Did I forget to introduce myself?" The boy asked, "I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

Rage filled me as I pinned him to a tree, my sword against his throat.

"You've got fire. I like fire," Pan replied, "but you aren't Y/n."

"Where is my son?" I asked in a shout.

He handed me a map.

"All you gotta do is believe who you really are. That's the key to open the map," Pan smirked.

I let go of him taking the map.

"Now if you excuse me! I have a celebration to attend to!" Peter smiled.

He then disappeared into the jungle.
Peter's POV

I arrived at camp, Y/n talking to Henry about something. The bonfire was lit, flames glowing brightly. Lost boys at every corner of camp.

Everything was coming together. I had my one true love back, my plan for the heart is coming together, and I had my island. I'm just worried about Y/n's response. What if she doesn't love me back.

(🎶If I said I liked you would you love me back though?🎶 Jacob Sartorius reference... don't judge me...😂)

I quickly let the thoughts run from my mind and focused on Y/n. Walking towards her, she notices me as she looks up from Henry. Y/n smiled and stood up, meeting me in the middle.

Your POV

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "What's up Peter?"

"Just can't believe you're back after all this time," he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled back, "I'm just glad to be back. Meeting new lost boys and reuniting with the older ones."

We danced around the fire, late into the night. We stopped when I started getting tired. The Lost Boys and Peter weren't even tired.

"Alright boys! Time to go to bed," Peter announced.

The Lost Boys groaned, clearly wanting to keep going. Peter scowled at them, clearly not happy with their response.

"Go! Or more chores for all of you!" Peter scolded.

The boys quickly got ready for bed and I started heading to my old tent. Before I could call it a night, Peter grabbed my arm and stopping me.

"Peter!" I whined, "I'm tired, please let me sleep."

He smirked, "I'll let you, if you come with me first."

I groaned lightly, but nodding. We disappeared from camp and appeared on Dead Man's Peak. It has been a while since I've been on top of this mountain, it reminded me of the sweet memories I had here.

"It's as beautiful as ever Peter. Why bring me here?" I ask.

Peter sighed. Like he was anxious and nervous to do something. I tilted my head and furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Peter?" I said, my eyes getting softer.

"Y/n, from the first time we met I fell for you. You're so kind, gentle, fiery, beautiful, talented, and so many more words that I can describe you with. But there is only one word that can describe everything about you...perfect," Peter informed, "you're the only one who sees the boy behind the beast. Y/n, I'm in love with you."

Tears brimmed in my eyes. No one has ever told me that so I was speechless. I covered my mouth with my hand as tears began to drip from my eyes.

"Y/n?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

He rushed to me, sobs racking my body. My knees trembled and I almost collapsed, but Peter caught me just in time. My tears streaming in rivers upon my face. I grabbed his face in my hands, my lips quivering trying to regain breath. I smashed my lips onto his, kissing him with every fiber in my body.

Peter instantly kissed back. We pulled away idiotic smiles upon our faces.

I smiled, "I love you too."

A/n: Did this make you cry? I almost did. Comment down below if you did! Love you guys! Next chapter will be up tomorrow or Saturday. Until next time!

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