Chapter 10: What Happened?

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Your POV


"Ugh, why did you get rid of the makeup? It just shows your hideous face!" Regina says in disgust.

My blood boils, she has no right.

"Why did you come and get me then? If I was that hideous. You have no right to say what or who I am. You don't have the right to say how beautiful or ugly I am," I fire back.

She looks at me with rage. Furious that I dare argue with her. Well she'll get used to it.

"You should be grateful! I saved you from a horrible fate," Regina claims.

"And what would that be?" I asked, glaring at her with my arms crossed.

"That would be me dear."

I turn around to see Zelena. The Wicked Witch of the West.

"Why would you want me?" I ask, "I have done nothing to you!"

"Y/n you have no idea what you're capable of," Zelena informed.

"Like I can do magic? I already know this. Who am I to you?" I reply, confused.



Peter's POV

"Peter? You must've thought about everything," I hear her say as she enters Skull Rock.

"I have, love," I say turning to her, "can you split your heart on your own?"

She nods, ripping her heart out and splitting it. I see a flicker of pain as she does so, but it fades as she thrusts half of her heart into my chest and the other back into hers. A wave of magic spreads all over Neverland. I smile looking over to Y/n who smiles at me.

"It worked!" She exclaims, "Like I knew it would!"

I hug her tightly as the hourglass stops. We pull away as Y/n grunts in pain.

Your POV

I clasp my hand over my heart and I drop to my knees.

"Y/n!" Peter exclaims in worry, "What's happening?"

"I don't know," I reply, air entering my lungs little by little, making it hard to breathe.

Little air enters my lungs as I collapse on the floor in a haze. I couldn't think or see straight.

"Peter, I love you," I say as I close my eyes.

Peter's POV

"No! Y/n!" I yell, sobs wracking my body as I lift up Y/n's body.

What have I done?

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