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Author's Note: Hey everyone! If you're tuning in after finishing 'Sync' - thank you so much!!! I'll be doing something a bit different this go round and the story will cross between past and present. This is going to start off a bit intense smut wise, but that's partially why you're here - right? ;) Enjoy!

*artwork used does not belong to me*

It was a cold day on Lothal. The sky was gray and a blustery wind blew from the south. A rounded stone house amongst the prairie stood strong against the wind, a row of laundry flapping in the breeze on a line strung between the house and a tree.

"Ben? Could you bring in the laundry please?" Rey called.

"Yes dear." Ben said and he got up from his spot at the kitchen table and went to bring in the clothes. As he removed the items one by one, he spotted a yellow starship preparing for a landing in the field in front of the house.

"Rey?" Ben called.

"Are they here?" Rey excitedly asked, coming to open the door for Ben.

"They're here." He told her, kissing her on the forehead. Rey bobbed with excitement.

As Ben went inside with the laundry, Rey hurried outside.

"Rey!!!" Rose waved, hopping out of the starship.

"Rose!!!" Rey called back, waving frantically. Rose ran up to the house, jumping the small wooden fence and rushing over to give Rey a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're here." Rey told Rose.

"You know, there's a gate." Finn said to Rose, opening the gate and letting himself and Poe inside the yard.

"I was just so excited." Rose said, slightly embarrassed.

"Come inside!" Rey said, ushering her friends inside the house. "Make yourself at home." She told them.

Rose and Finn sat down on a couch next to a small fireplace. Poe sat in an armchair across from them.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Rey offered.

"Oh you don't need to do that." Poe said. "Sit down. You shouldn't be on your feet so much."

"You sound like Ben." Rey told him, as she heaved herself onto the couch next to Rose.

"May I?" Rose asked, reaching a hand towards Rey. Rey smiled and nodded. Rose excitedly touched Rey's large baby belly.

"Oh wow!!!" Rose said. "I can't believe you're about to have a baby."

"Are you sure there's just one?" Finn said, peeking over at Rey. "I mean.... you're kind of huge."

"FINN!" Rose snapped at Finn. "You never comment on a pregnant woman's size!" She scolded.

"Believe me, I've been asking myself that every day for the last five months." Rey said with a light laugh. "But my doctor has assured me its only one."

"So what do you need us for again exactly?" Poe asked Rey.

"I need someone to oversee the academy. Just for a few weeks after I give birth." Rey said, rubbing her belly absentmindedly.

"But we don't know the Force. How are we supposed to teach the students?" Finn asked. "Why can't Ben do it?"

"Excuse me, I'll be helping take care of the baby." Ben said, poking his head out from the kitchen. Poe and Finn snickered to each other.

"I still can't believe he's going to be a dad." Finn laughed.

"It gets funnier each time you think about." Poe said.

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