The Cave

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Author's Note 1: This is the final chapter! Sorry it is very long compared to other parts, but I didn't want to split this up. Thank you for all the views, votes, and comments. I am so thankful for all my readers. ENJOY! 

*inspired by 'The Cave' by Mumford & Sons*




Rey and Ben scrambled out of bed. Rey grabbed a robe from a nearby chair and quickly put it on.

"What do you mean sweetie?" Ben asked Lulu, his hands placed on her tiny shoulders.

"He was listening to you and Mama talking." She sniffed. Ben looked up at Rey, her eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"How do you know this?" Ben asked her, his heart racing.

"I got up to get a drink of water and I saw him at your door. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went to check on him and now he's not in his room." Lulu said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Rey ran out of the room and down the hall.

"She's right. He's not here. And his rucksack is gone too." Rey called to Ben. Ben hurried to the closet and started pulling out pants and a jacket.

"Mama? What's going on?" Pip yawned as she came out of her room.

"Go back to bed, Pip." Rey said, her voice struggling to keep composure.

"Lulu, you too." Ben said, giving his oldest daughter a nod. "We will find him." He assured her.

Lulu sniffed and Rey quickly led her back to bed.

"Where do you think he's gone?" Rey asked Ben.

"I think I have an idea." Ben said as he pulled on a pair of his favorite black boots. "Can you sense him?" Ben asked Rey.

She shut her eyes and hugged herself tightly as she searched for Cason's aura through the Force.

"He's upset. Confused. Scared." She said. She opened her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh Ben...." She said, hanging her head in her hands and sobbing.

"I will find him." Ben said as he continued to rummage in the closet. He slammed the door shut and walked over to Rey and pulled her into a quick embrace. He kissed her forehead.

"I will bring back our son." Ben whispered to her, wiping a tear from her cheek. Rey nodded. Ben ran out of the house.


Cason entered the Falcon, looking behind him to make sure he hadn't been followed. The dark landscape behind him was clear. He turned around and raised the ramp, waiting there as the door hissed shut. Cason held up his lantern and observed his surroundings.

The lights were off and Cason could hear the subtle rumblings of snores from Chewbacca in the nearby bedroom. He was lucky the Wookiee was getting old and becoming hard of hearing. It's how he was able to take off with the Falcon the first time. Cason threw his rucksack on the holo chess table and crept to the cockpit, careful not to make any loud noises.

He flicked on the lights in the cockpit and sat in the worn pilots chair. He turned off his lamp and set it on the floor next to him. He began the operations to start the Falcon, a slight vibration from the seat as the controls powered on.

He didn't know where he was going to go. And Chewie was sure to be angry once he woke up, but the faster he got away, the more difficult it would be for Chewie to take him home.

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