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Author's Note: Sorry for the lack of updates this week! I was very slammed with work because, believe it or not, I have a life outside of Reylo stories - haha. Hope this one is well worth it. I've got two more chapters to write before this story is over. Thank you so much to everyone who has commented and voted. You guys are amazing. Enjoy!

*artwork used does not belong to me*




Rey was outside with a large woven basket laying at her feet. She was removing the rows of linens from the laundry line, folding them as she went. A pleasant summer breeze rolled by. A perfect day for their celebration.

A crash from inside the house disrupted the calm of her chores.

"MAAMAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Whined a tiny yet shrill voice. Rey rolled her eyes and lifted the basket, hefting it inside the house, using the Force to open the door with a slam.

"MAMA SHE TOOK IT!" Cried the voice as Rey entered the house.


"Lucina! Pippa! Stop this!" Rey scolded the girls.

It had been a whirlwind of the last several years. Not long after Ben and Rey had celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary, they had discovered they were expecting again. It was enough of a surprise to learn Rey was pregnant with twins, but they hadn't expected the twins to be the two fiery spitballs that they were when they arrived exactly nine months later. They had been named Lucina Rose and Pippa Marie, loving nicknamed Lulu and Pip.

"But Mamaaaaaa."

"Give Pip the toy." Rey said sternly, setting the basket on the kitchen table.

The two brown haired girls were glaring angrily at each other. One had her hair in a single ponytail, the other with two small buns atop her head. Both had brown eyes.

One shoved the toy back at the other.

"What do you say Lulu?"

"Sawwee." Lulu said to Pip.

"That's better. Where is your brother? His room better be clean before our guests arrive." Rey said, unloading the linens from the basket. As if on cue, Cason emerged grumpily from his room.

"I cleaned my room hours ago." He said to his mother, annoyed. "Why do I have to let them share my room?"

"Because we have guests coming. They will stay in the girls room." Rey explained for the hundredth time. Cason rolled his eyes.

"Can't I stay on the ship with Uncle Chewie?"

"Absolutely not." Rey said.

"I won't take it for a ride again. I promise." Cason pleaded. Rey gave her son a skeptical look.

"You are still grounded for that." Rey reminded him.

"But Papa said -"

"Never mind what Papa said." Rey said. Cason sat down at the kitchen table, making a face at how his mother was forcing him to let his annoying little sisters share his room while his Aunt and Uncle visited. Rey tousled Cason's dark hair.

"I love you, son." She told him.

"I love you too, Mama." He told her with a sigh.

"They're here! They're here!" Lulu squealed as she came running away from the side window of the house. The girls scrambled for the door and Rey hurried after them as they ran out to greet their visitors.

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