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Authors Note: Image used is one that inspired the look of Rey's dress from the previous chapter. Hope everyone is enjoying this story so far ;)

*artwork used does not belong to me*




Ben woke up on the Falcon, alone. It had been two days since the fall of the First Order. Rey was still recovering from the blaster wound in the medical ward. He got up and started to get ready for the day. He had a lot to accomplish, and without Rey to help him out, this was going to be a very uncomfortable day.

"Hey Chewie." Ben said as he exited the bedroom and into the hub of the Falcon. Chewie roared in response.

"What's the name of the dark haired girl always hanging around Finn?" He asked, as he sat down at the holo screen and began to put on his tall black boots. Chewie roared.

"Thanks." Ben replied. Chewie grumbled back at him.

"I'd rather ask her for help than the guys." Ben explained. Chewie roared again.

"No, you stay here. I'll be fine." Ben told him as he exited the Falcon.

Ben headed to the largest hanger, its doors wide open with a variety of starships were docked inside. Several of the Resistance members narrowed their eyes at him as he walked past, a few lone members he vaguely recognized as being from the command deck on the First Order cruiser. They must be the ones Poe mentioned had surrendered.

He saw Rey's friend talking to another girl, this one taller and blonde with hair in small buns, almost like the ears of an animal, atop her head. The blond eyed him warily as he approached. She said something to the other girl, who turned around.

"Ben!" she said, oddly happy.

"Hello Rose." Ben said as he approached the women.

"Is something wrong? Is Rey okay?" Rose asked.

"She's fine. She should be released from the medical ward soon." He said. He glanced at the blonde, still hovering behind her. "I need to ask you something." He said.

Rose turned and nodded to the blonde who nodded in return and she walked a couple feet away and busied herself at a computer console.

"What's up?" Rose asked.

"I need help with my ship." Ben said. "Rey had mentioned you were good with mechanics."

"What do you need you ship for?" Rose asked, almost concerned.

"I need to get back to the cruiser. Hux disabled my ship and I'm not sure how to reactivate it. I've still got all my belongings on board and I wish to retrieve them."

"What kind of ship is it?" she asked.

"A TIE silencer."

Rose thought a moment.

"I've never worked on TIE ships before, but I'll give it a go." She agreed.

By the late afternoon, Ben was docking the TIE in the bay of the cruiser. Several Resistance members were in the process of cleaning up the burnt rubble of the transports.

"Welcome aboard the Organa." Poe said, walking up to Ben as Ben disembarked his ship.

"The Organa?" Ben asked.

"It's what I've renamed the cruiser. We'll be using it as our main Resistance ship from now on. Seemed fitting."

"I see." Ben said.

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