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Author's Note: Do I need to warn that there's smut ahead at this point? Smut ahead ;)

*briefly inspired by 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran*




Two weeks later, Ben and arrived back on Naboo to be married in Varykino, where his grandfather Anakin had married Padme in secret. Rey knew it would mean a lot to Ben to be married there. Plus it met his only condition- no sand.

Rose raced to meet Rey as the Falcon landed back on the New Resistance base.

"I'm so excited you're here!" Rose squealed to Rey, giving her friend a hug.

"Thank you so much for speaking to the Queen for us." Rey thanked Rose.

"She was happy to oblige. She is related to Ben after all." Rose said.

"That's right." Rey said.

"May I see your dress?" Rose asked, bobbing with enthusiasm. Rey nodded and the two women hurried onto the Falcon. Ben rolled his eyes as he departed the Falcon past the girls. He needed to go and speak with the clergymen of Naboo prior to the ceremony.

"Hey Ben." said a voice from behind him.

Ben stopped and turned around. Poe was approaching him from one of the hangers on the base.

"Got a minute?" He asked. Ben looked at him cautiously.

"I suppose." Ben said.

"Follow me." Poe said, beckoning with a toss of his hand over his shoulder. Ben looked around, almost waiting to be dragged into some sort of trap, but hesitantly followed Poe into the dorms.

Poe unlocked the door to his room, a very messy room Ben noted. BB-8 whistled and beeped as he rolled up to Ben.

"Wait here." Poe told Ben. He went inside what Ben assumed was his bedroom. He could hear him rustling around in a drawer. Ben stood awkwardly in the living space of the suite, BB-8 curiously watching Poe.

Poe emerged from the bedroom.

"I feel you should have this." Poe said, reaching his hand out to Ben. Ben held out his hand and Poe dropped a familiar ring inside his palm.

"Where did you get this?" Ben asked, not looking at Poe.

"Well.... If I'm being honest, I kind of took it." Poe admitted, putting his hands in his pockets and shrugging his shoulders. Ben glared at Poe momentarily.

"I was being selfish." Poe said in his defense. "She was like a mother to me.... And I wanted something.... Anything.... To remember her by. It was just sitting out on her dresser after she passed...."

Ben stared down at his mothers promise ring, memories flooding back of her.

"I don't know if you already had a ring but-" Poe started.

"No." Ben interrupted. "This will be perfect. Thank you."

"Yeah well.... Don't think I'm going soft on you or anything." Poe said with a light chuckle.

It was a small ceremony with very few in attendance - Rose, Finn, Poe, Chewie and the droids. The priest who presided over Leia's funeral had agreed to perform the ceremony for them. Rey suspected his decision had a lot to do with the fact that the Resistance had saved Naboo from the First Order. Either that or Ben had used a Jedi mind trick on the man. She preferred to think it was the former.

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