Ch 1: First Day

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I look up to survey the height of the building that I would be working from now on. ' really tall...' I gripped the straps of my bag and walked past the open doors that represented justice for all:

U.A. National Police.


I walked up to the front desk and asked the secretary for the Police Chief of Division 3, Tsukauchi. "Down the right hall, turn on the first left, go up the elevator to the third floor. After that, the two grand oak doors in front of you will be where he is. By the way, are you the new recruit?" I nodded. "I guessed. My name is Hisanna."

"My name is (First Name), nice to meet you, Hisanna," I replied, and walked off to my destination.

I arrived in front of his office, and took a breath as I pushed the doors open to greet my boss-


-as loudly as possible. The man himself looked up from his desk and grinned. "Hey (First Name). Please don't yell. And yes, it has been a while. How was studying back in America? Is it enough to make you work here for good?"

"I hope; working there was hell. I had to guard and escort the President back there, and you would think that's cool, but he was a dick! I mean, it was Donald-frickin'-Trump!!" I exclaimed as I sat down in a chair in front of his desk. He shook his head playfully, stacking files neatly.

"Well, now I get to assign you a position. You, considering your superior investigation skills and intuition, along with your stellar ability to profile people and criminals, I'm assigning you to the position of head detective, as well as my second-in-command."

"Really?! Great! When can I start?" I asked. Tsukauchi handed me a small manila folder labelled 'Heartbroken Murder Case'. I opened the file and saw all the gathered information.

'A couple was murdered in their fourth-floor apartment on 20 Echo St. East around 10 p.m., two days ago. They were reported to have arrived from a date, as told by some eyewitnesses. They seemed to be getting ready to sleep for the night when they were brutally killed by several knife wounds to the back and stomach. They seemed to put up a fight and try to fend off the killer by throwing nearby objects like an unplugged lamp, but most likely missed due to the fact that because of that lamp, there was no light in the room. Obvious. Blood sprayed everywhere. One day later, a friend tried to contact them but grew suspicious when they didn't answer. They headed over to the apartment and got in by using a spare key that was well hidden. They were hit with the scent of dead bodies and called the police. Around the crime scene, there seemed to be no signs of a break-in.'  I read in my mind. This whole story already set off alarms in my head. I closed the file.

"Tsukauchi, can I go and visit the scene? If it's taken you guys a whole twelve hours to gather all this and still not know, I can get this done in half that time, maybe even in just two hours," I established. He laughed and nodded his head, getting out of his seat and grabbing his signature tan trench coat and matching hat off a coat hook. He took a black military-style trench coat that went down to my mid-thigh, with silver lining and buttons with a large collar, and threw it to me. I caught it, took off my shoulder bag, and shrugged the coat on. I grabbed my bag, and we headed out the door to the scene of the crime.


We arrived at the parking lot of the apartment complex, where two other police cars were parked. We entered the building and took the elevator to the fourth floor. As we exited, we walked towards the victims' apartment, 407. There was caution tape posted on the door, and we opened it. I was greeted with the slightly foul stench of blood and long gone bodies. I saw officers analyze every single square inch of the place, with the cat-head Sansa leading the search, surrounded by papers. I waved at him, and he saluted back. I laughed, saying there was no need for that between friends. I walked off to find the bedroom, which happened to be at the end of a very short hallway. 

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