Part One

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Richie woke up and looked around the room. Eddie was out cold on the other end of the couch, Bill and Stanley had fallen asleep looking at memes, Beverly was curled up in the chair meanwhile Ben and Mike had been up on playstation most of the night.

Richie stretched with a slight yawn. He pushed his glasses up his nose and licked his lips. "Morning boys" He said sleepily. Ben and Mike didn't turn around they just murmured before passing out.

Richie laughed as he stood up. The curly haired boy took a glance round before stepping over everyone and turning the playstation off. Slowly, he wondered out the room and into the bathroom. He took of his glasses before splashing cold water onto his face. He knew he had to wake up early and be ready before the other losers as they are a lot quicker at being ready than he is.

He picked up his contact box and placed one carefully into each eye. Blinking a few times he finally shut the contact box and put them back into the cupboard above the sink. Tiredly, he ran a hand through his hair with a small smile. "Your a mess Tozier" Richie jumped and chucked a toothbrush at the voice source.

Eddie laughed and rubbed his arm "calm down im no serial killer" he said in a sleepy voice. "Don't creep up on me like that Eds" Richie said gaining back his heartbeat. "Don't call me that" Richie rolled his eyes at the smaller boy and pushed passed him "sorry, Eds" he winked and made his way back into the living room.

"Why am i still friends with him?" Eddie questioned before using the bathroom himself. Meanwhile Richie stared at the bodies scattered across his living room and realised he would feel bad for waking them which is why he was going to get the water to do it for him.
Reddie fan-fiction againn

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