Part Twenty Two

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Richie bit his lip and pulled his hand away after hearing the front door go. "Richie?" His sister yelled from downstairs. A smile spread across Eddies lips as he jumped up and wondered to the top of the stairs. "Eddie!!" Holly yelled with nothing but complete excitement. The boy walked downstairs and picked up Holly. "I've missed you." She said hugging him tightly. Richie came down and walked past them ruffling Hollys hair.

"Mom?" He shouted out as he walked into the kitchen. "Hello sweetie" she said smiling. Richie jumped up onto the kitchen counter. His mom focused her attention to him with a concerned look. "Eddies mom...shes been..." but his didn't need to say anymore as his mother had put a finger over his lips. "I have it sorted." She said. "The way you described the bruises, the cuts and everything reminded me off when your dad use to-" but Richie cut in between. "Yeah i know..." as he really didn't want to hear his mom talk about how his dad use to abuse her.

Eddie eventually walked in still holding Holly. "Hello Mrs Tozier" he said politely. She smiled as she watched Holly climb from Eddie to Richie. She kissed Richies cheek and gave him a massive hug before sitting on his lap. "Eddie come with me please." Mrs Tozier said exiting the room. Eddies eyes widened with worry as he followed the older women out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"How was school?" Richie asked his sister as he held onto her tightly and jumped down from the kitchen counter. He sat her on the table and looked at her. "It was fun, although Dylan keeps trying to kiss me" she said pulling a disgusted face before chuckling. "I'll have to sort him out" Richie said jokingly. "Don't ever get a boyfriend until i've checked him over alright?" She nodded smiling. "Is Eddie okay?" She asked. Richie tried to show a small smile and be convincing. "Eddies always okay".

She smiled gladly and jumped down off the table before running out the kitchen and into the living room to play with her toys. "That's what we'll do okay?" Mrs Tozier said rubbing Eddies arm. He nodded. "Thank you.." he said calmly. "Your more than welcome" she replied. The boy got up and walked out the living room to find Richie. "All okay?" Richie asked wanting to know what was said. Eddie nodded but didn't say a word.

Richie stood there slightly confused on why he didn't know what was said, it was horrible. "Im going to go read comics, you coming?" He finally said breaking the awkward silence that the pale boy had put them in. "Sounds fun" he responded to the trashmouth who was now smiling
Updated ❗️

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