Part Eighteen

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Eventually, he was at the corner shop waiting for the losers. It was unusual for Richie to be early, he's late to pretty much everything. Unless it actually interests him. "Hey, loser" a girls voice said as they placed a hand on Richies shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye he could see bracelets on the girls wrist. "Hey Beaver-ly" he replied turning to face her properly. "How come your here early?" She asked politely. Richie just shrugged causing her to lightly punch his arm. "And you ignored my text!" She added; a bit more loudness surrounding her voice.

"Im sorry". Beverly's mouth dropped open. Richie doesn't say sorry to anyone, unless its his little sister. "Alright whats up" she scoffed. "What have you done with my trashmouth" she added, her hands wondering all over his face causing him to smile. Eventually he pushed them away rolling his eyes. "Stop" he said sternly; trying his hardest not to smile. Bev raised her eyebrow and ruffled his hair. "Talk to me Tozier." but he shook his head.

Before Beverly could open her mouth and say anything else Ben and Mike came marching round the corner talking about dungeons and dragons. Bev rolled her eyes at the two boys. "Hey its the nerds!" Richie yelled with a beaming smile. She lightly nudged him as technically they were all nerds, well everyone but Richie. "Oh hey its the biggest of all losers" Ben said smiling back. "You know that" Richie said with a small wink on the end.

Mike rolled his eyes and looked around. "Wheres the other three?" Beverly took note of what he said and glanced around before pointing into the distance. "There." But when the shadows got closer it was only Stanley and Bill. Richies heart dropped to his stomach. "Wheres Eddie these days?" Bev asked with complete concern for her friend. Stanley and Richie at this point had immediately made eye contact. "No clue" Stan soon spoke up. "We don't wanna be late now do we?" Ben added onto what Stanley was saying, practically interrupted him.

Beverly wrapped her arm round Richies and started walking letting the other losers trail behind. "What the fuck are you doing?" Richie asked: trying to escape the grip that she had on him. "Annoying you, until you give in and explain to me what your problem is." She smiled slightly and continued to walk. "I m-miss Eddie" Bill stuttered so the losers could hear him. "Me too, theres nobody constantly correcting us. Its nothing but boring." Mike added making sure his opinion was well known by his friends.

Every time his name was mentioned the image of him opening the door replayed in Richies mind. The blood surrounding his cuts, the bruises trailing down his arm, all of it. Richie bit his lip nervously and tried thinking of something to erase the image from his mind. His heart was racing and his mind was all on Eddie. The losers talking was blocked out by the heavy breathing he had acquired. This wasn't him, he was filled with worry and concern, he had no trashmouth to come back with, he needed Eddie.

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