Part Ten

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Stanley eventually caught onto what Richie meant but it took him a while. After what felt like hours of Stan trying to understand, he waved goodbye to the trashmouth and set off on his journey to school. Richie got his bag comfortable and knocked again. This time someone smaller than Mrs Kaspbrak answered the door. His face was bloody and his arm looked bruised.

"Mom said go away Richie." He said calmly coughing away afterwards. Toziers face completely dropped and he started to experience a gut feeling that he had never experienced before. He opened his mouth to try and talk but his words wouldn't come out. He was distraught at the view of Eddie that everything was completely silent. Eddie sighed and closed the door.

Richie turned away from the door and put his hands round the straps of his backpack. He squeezed them tightly. All the anger that he was feeling started to build up inside him. He ran away from Eddies and to the quarry where him and the losers spend most of their time. The tall boy collected a variety of stones and started skimming them across the water trying to get each one further than the other.

"Shouldn't you be getting your Education?" A small shy voice said from behind him. "Not really no" he replied skimming another stone. "I think you should be." He added and watched Richie skim the last stone. The taller boy turned around to face the other one. "How did you get out?" Richie asked. "I snuck out". Richie nodded in response and sighed.

The small boy took a step backwards. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't loosing your temper". Richie let out a small smile "thanks Kaspbrak". Eddie waved "i'll see you soon" he spoke softly. "Wait Eddie, how did you get those bruises? And the marks?" He spoke slowly concerned of what the boy before him would answer. Eddie looked him up and down and didn't say a thing, he just walked away.

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