Part Twenty Six

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Eddie was on the other side of the door with his head leant against it. He had his fragile hand rested on the door handle of Richies bedroom but wasn't sure if he should turn it or not revealing himself to the taller boy. His eyes were red with puffy edges. "Eddie please...i've never done this stuff before you got to work with me an-" but before Richie could finish what he was saying Eddies hand turned the door handle and let the door open. Richie slowly walked in his eyes locking onto the boy in the middle of the room as he pushed the door shut with his foot.

"Are you okay?" Richie asked him seeing his eyes had been raining waterfalls. Eddie shook his head slowly in response. "I don't think i can ever go home Richie." His body was shaking and his eyes began to tear up once again. The taller boy made his way in front of the smaller one and placed his hands either side of his face. "You don't have to go until your ready." While speaking softly his thumbs were rubbing the boys cheeks clearing away any remains of the salty water that once lied on his face.

"Delicate." Tozier mumbled under a deep breath knowing he was getting himself into a situation but was not prepared to step out at any point, even if his own life depended on it. The fragile boys bony hands came up and rested on top of Richies whos thumbs were determined to be a towel for his face. Gently, he leaned his head slightly resting his head in one of his hands. "Do you mean it?" Eddie mumbled between breaths. Richie maintained the same facial expression while nodding. "Wouldn't have said it otherwise" he added.

"I love you too" he mumbled back but at first Richie didn't hear him, so it took a while in order for him to click on. Toziers lips formed a small smile, not like his normal smiles though, a meaningful one. Momentarily, there was nothing but the sound of them breathing. To break the awkward silence; Richie leaned in so their lips collided. Eddie immediately kissed back because thats what he knew he wanted.

After they had pulled away from one another to catch their breath; the taller boy removed his hands from the smaller boys face and flopped down on the bed. He rolled onto his side to face him giving him the hand gesture to come lay down with him. Eddie hesitantly laid down with him. Richies arm travelled underneath the boy and his other arm travelled over the top making Richie the big spoon. It was only far as he was taller.

Eddie got comfortable realising that they were hugging and closed his eyes. "Dinner will be done in a while nothing says we can't nap first" Richie said as he buried his head in the crook of Eddies neck and letting his eyes flutter to sleep. "Goodnight Trashmouth" he mumbled almost quietly. "Goodnight Lover Boy" he replied with a soft tone at the back of his voice.
Ending this here !!

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