Chapter 9

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A/N: first of all... OMG WE HIT 20K READS!!! THANKS SO MUCH😱❤️

Also, like I said in the last chapter, I'm still recovering So updates are going to be slow but you can read my other book called "Lillian Paul// Vlog Life" since it's completed and I have the sequel out for it too. The sequel isn't finished and I'm also working on that as well but it has a few chapters published so if you want you can read that while waiting for updates on this book.

Anywaysssss, enough of this boring authors note😂👌🏼 enjoy reading!

Laura's POV
All the boys sat on the couch with the snacks and the blankets. I am sitting between Jack and Daniel while Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach are on the other side of Daniel. Jonah handed me a blanket to use.

"Thanks Jonah." I replied smiling.

"You're welcome." He replied also smiling.

Jonah then handed the rest of the boys blankets as well. Zach gave Jack, Daniel, and I a bowl of popcorn to share and he kept a bowl for him, Jonah, and Corbyn to share. The movie began playing as we all got comfortable. The beginning isn't too bad so far so I should be ok for now. I reached my hand into the popcorn and grabbed some out of the bowl and put it into my mouth. Next thing I know there's a jump scare so I screamed and grabbed onto Jack. The boys all started laughing.

"It's not funny! That was scary and in my defense I didn't want to watch a horror movie anyway." I Said trying not to laugh but failed.

We all just laughed it off and began watching the movie again. I didn't realize but I'm still holding Jack. I quickly let go and I think I noticed him almost frown when I did. But why..? I just moved my focus back to the tv and kept watching. I felt eyes on me so I looked to see who it was and I noticed Jack glancing at me. I looked at him but his gaze quickly looked back at the tv. I just began watching it again. Throughout the movie I had a few screams here and there and I may have grabbed onto Jack and Daniel several times but all I can say is that I'm glad it's FINALLY over now. Everyone got up from the couch as Jonah turned off the tv.

"So what do you guys want to do now? Jack asked.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm going to bed." Said Daniel as he yawned.

"Same here." Said Jonah.

"I think I'm going to go to bed as well." Said Zach.

"Me too." Said Corbyn.

"Aww you're no fun." I Said to all of them.

"Well atleast we didn't scream throughout the whole movie." Said Zach laughing and so did all the boys.

I just glared at all of them.

"Okay whatever. Go to bed. Anything is better than you guys bringing that up again." I Said playfully rolling my eyes.

They all went upstairs to bed except Jack.

"Aren't you going to bed?" I Asked.

"Nah I'm not tired so I'm going to hang out with you." Said Jack smiling.

"At least one of you is fun." I Said giggling.

"So what do you want to do?" Jack Asked while he was holding his phone in one hand.

"I know what I want to do." I Said smirking.

"And what's that?" Jack asked confused.

I just giggled and quickly snatched his phone from his hand. I began running throughout the house as he followed. I ran into the living room and he almost caught me so I jumped over the couch and ran towards the stairs. He followed me as I ran up them. I ran into a room and shut the door behind me. I saw Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach about to climb in bed but their gaze quickly met mine as I start catching my breath again. Next thing I know Jack is pounding his fists on the door.

"Laura give me my phone!" Said Jack laughing on the other side of the door.

"Guys can you help me?" I Asked Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach laughing.

"I have a better idea." Said Zach as he whispered something to Jonah and Corbyn and they all nodded and chuckled.

I just am confused. They walked over to me and Jonah and Corbyn pinned me down so I didn't run while Zach unlocked the door and let Jack in and Daniel was there too so he came in. Jack just ran over to me and grabbed his phone.

"TRAITORS!!" I Yelled.

"Damn you're fast." Said Jack catching his breath.

I just laughed while Jonah and Corbyn let go of me. I was about to stand up when Jack just started tickling me. Then the other four boys did too.

"S-st-op! I c-can't b-breatheee!!" I Yelled giggling.

They stopped for a moment.

"Say that Why Don't We are the best people in the world." Said Corbyn.

"Never!!" I Said.

They began tickling me more.

"O-ok!!" I Yelled laughing.

They stopped again.

"Why Don't We are the best people in the world." I Said.

They all smiled and laughed and then let go off me. I started walking to the door and so did Daniel and Jack. Daniel started walking to his and Jacks room. Jack and I stopped in the hall.

"So wait.. where am I sleeping tonight?" I Asked.

"I was thinking you take my bed and I'll take the couch." Said Jack.

"No I can't do that." I Said.

"Yes you're going to, You're the guest." He Said.

"How about we both share the bed?" I Asked.

"Really..?" He Asked surprised.

"Yea I mean, I'm okay with it if you are." I Said smiling.

"It works for me as long as it's okay with you." Jack said.

"And it is so let's go." I Said giggling.

Jack smiled as he began walking to his room and I followed. Daniel is already asleep. He walked over to his closet and grabbed a shirt and handed it to me.

"I thought you'd want something comfortable to wear to bed." He Said shrugging.

"Thanks Jack." I Said.

"You're welcome. The bathroom is behind that door right there." He said pointing to a door in his and Daniels room.

I walked over to it and walked inside. I shut the door behind me and changed into the shirt that is big on me. Once I finished I walked back out into the room and Jack was laying down shirtless and oh my, this is a hot sight to see. I walked over to the bed and got under the blankets with Jack. I was on the other side of the bed though. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to his chest. I just snuggled into him. This is honestly the best thing considering I may have feelings for Jack. I find him the cutest out of all the boys and there's just something about him that seems different, I don't know but he definitely is something different and yes that pun was intended ;). I began to fall asleep but before I did I heard

"Goodnight Laura." Jack said.

"Goodnight Jack." I said back smiling.

And then my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.

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