*Hits Blunt*

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(2 high niggas in a car. 1 is depressed)
*hits blunt*
*coughs profusely*
*wipes tears from eyes*
"Aye bro if I always lie am I telling the truth or am I lying?"
"Whaaaa that's trippy bro. But ay pass that shit."
*passes blunt*
*hits it*
*coughs lungs out*
"Yo if I kill myself does that count as suicide?"
"Nigga you dumb as fuck they 2 different things"
"Awwww. Do it count as suicide if Im already dead inside?"
"Bro what's up with you and killing yourself?"
"My bad my depression is showing."
*Police officer taps the window*
*Both of em panic*
*One nigga swallows the roach*
*rolls down window*
"How you boys doing today?"
"Thanks and you?"
"Not what I asked boy. You been smoking?"
"No sir."
"Spell icup."
*neither of them speak*
"Well I guess you aren't intoxicated. But this spot is illegal to park in so Im gonna have to ask you to leave."
"Will do sir thank you."
*cop leaves*
"Damn that was close bro."
"Yea dude. Where the weed?"
"I had to swallow that shit bro."
"Yo you gon die."
"I know."
"Nigga get help. You need some anti-depressants or some shit?"
"Nah I tried to OD earlier today on em don't work."
"You good?"
"I'm straight bro. Yo this yo Dad car right?"
"Yea why...."
"So that shotgun still in the trunk?"
"Nigga put yo seat belt on I'm taking yo ass to the hospital."
"Nah chill it's just a joke."
"Killing yourself isnt funny."
*both laugh at loud*

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