Chapter 12: Punishment

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Song- Bad Blood by Taylor Swift Cover by Megan Nicole

P.O.V. of Fate

"Why do we even try?"

"It is worthless telling him what to do, he never listens! That imbecile."

"We should restrict the powers earned from his blessing. If he won't listen to us and WAIT to do things, then he is undeserving of his abilities."

"Are we in agreement, sisters?"

The Fates all agreed.

"Lets call him here. I believe he is unconscious."

With that, Percy suddenly appeared on the ground in front of the Fates, who had apparently stopped knitting and snipping for the moment.

The Fates all gasped at his appearance, at least the huge gash across his left eye.

"You did not obey us Jackson." The fate on the left, Lachesis the allotter, stated.

Clotho, the spinner, angrily added "And, to top it off you did not follow your destiny. You were supposed to WAIT for our instructions. Imbecile."

"You were also injured. Take care of yourself more, Jackson. You cannot get hurt and refuse to follow instruction if you wish to continue to be our champion." Atropos decided.

"With all due respect My Ladies, I was following instruction. You showed me a vision of my sister getting sexually assaulted and told me to stop it. I did."

"We did NOT tell you to stop the assault. We TOLD you to wait until the correct time to challenge Asher!"

"Who the Hades is Asher?" Percy asked, very confused.

"Asher is the true name of the Alpha you defeated. He told the pack that his name was Gabriel. Supposedly after his uncle Gabri-"

"SISTER. NOT NOW!" Clotho screamed, interrupting Atropos.

"He is not ready for the truth, Atro."

"Lachesis, Clotho, he killed a man. I believe he will be okay with this information."

"No, he won't be!" Clotho said.

At that, Lachesis put her hands over both of her siblings mouths and finished her sentence where she left off from.

"Gabriel Ugliano. Asher named himself after his dear old disgusting uncle. Fitting, isn't it?"

"At this point I don't think that anything would surprise me." Percy said calmly.

Atro, as her sisters called her, slowly released the mouths of the other two.

They just said "oh."

"Aren't you supposed to be able to tell how I am going to react to things?"

"We could... until you became our champion." They all stated in sync, causing Percy to shudder, as they still sound like sand paper on a chalk board.


"Now, on to your punishment." Clotho stated, tired of this conversation.

"Punishment? I did exactly what you told me to. Just early."

"We were going to strip you of your power for a while, but seeing the condition of your sight..." she then giggled at her own joke.

Percy was wide eyed, well as much as he could be with only one working eye, at the fact that he just heard a Fate giggle. Giggle. He couldn't believe it.

"We have decided that you will spend an entire month totally blind." Lachesis finished for Clotho.

"WHAT?!? BLIND?!?" Percy was incredulous.

"Hush child, do you want to be a mute Alpha as well? Honestly." Atropos said.

"In exactly one month both of your eyes will be fixed. They will look normal until that point, only Annabeth will still be able to look into your eyes."

Atropos then waved a hand over Percy's left eye and healed it.

Clotho waved her right hand over his right eye and blinded it.

Lachesis waved her left hand over his left eye and blinded it.

Then he woke up.

Percy Jackson P.O.V.

"Percy!" "Seaweed Brain talk to me!"

"Kelp Head, come on. Wake up and be and Alpha you wimp."

"Oh please Thalia. Like I'M a wimp. Alpha over here." Percy stated weakly, in what seemed like the girl's direction.

"Over here Kelp Head. Unless you're really interested in that fern tree. What are ya, blind?" she laughed.

"Well you did used to be a pine tree, maybe I just got confused." Percy said

Very funny fish for brains. But that eye does look bad. Can you see out of it?" Sparky asked.

Percy didn't say anything as he sat up and reached for Annabeth. She grabbed his searching hand.

He then used his other hand to touch her soft, curly hair and bring her in for a hug.

"Annabeth." Percy whispered softly into her ear.

"What is it Percy?" she asked, the relief of her mate waking up quickly being replaced with the icy feelings of worry and fear.

"I can't see anything." Percy said defeatedly.

Annabeth started crying, holding Percy even closer.

"How-how's Lou?"

"She'll be fine. The others took her to the camp site. Lady Artemis, Thalia, and I stayed here with you. " She said.

"Good. Good."

"Perseus, or should I say Alpha, you are blind-correct?"

"Yes My Lady, for the moment."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The Fates said I challenged Asher or Gabe or whoever the lying bastard was too early and decided to punish me. I was already blind out of my left eye from the fight, they just finished the job. I get my sight back in a month."

"That... Alright then. As long as it is only temporary I guess you can remain Alpha."

"Also, watch that mouth Alpha."

"Oh, come now My Lady. You and I both know that you don't care." Thalia said.

"No, you and I both know that you are a lost cause Lieutenant."

Thalia just smirked in response.

"So... what now?" Annabeth asked.

"You are now the Luna of the pack and Percy will be the Alpha."

"Lady Artemis, what is the date today?" Percy asked.

"July 18th, I believe." She stated.

"So that means you get your sight back on your birthday." Annabeth reminded him cheerfully.

And our anniversary-kind of. He said through the mind link.

"Cool. I guess that's something to be happy about." He said verbally, as Annabeth smiled slightly. Which she had to tell him through the mind link.

"Alright, thats enough lying around. Get up and face the world. We haven't been living in reality much today." Annabeth reflected.

"True." Was all Percy replied with as he attempted to get to his feet, as he had sat back down after realizing he had no idea where he was.

They walked Percy back and Thalia and Artemis wished the pair a good night.

Annabeth led him to where they have been sleeping, under a patch of thinning dark green brush where the stars were still visible underneath, if he remembered correctly.

All he could see however, was darkness.

And that's when the panic and realization set in.

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