Chapter 5: Revelations

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Song- Alone Together by The Baes. (AKA Fall Out Boy)

Percy P.O.V.


I looked up and noticed a girl staring at me.

She had sea-green eyes and long black hair.

We both stared at each other for a while.

I saw recognition on her face, which confused me even more.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl.

She stiffened against the tree trunk she was leaning against, and some of her hair fell in front of her eyes, blocking half of her face from view.

I was surprised at how well I could see her, considering it was now pitch dark; the moon had yet to come out.

"Louisa. Daughter a' Poseidon and Sally Jackson." She said through a thick accent.

"What?" That was Percy's intelligent response.

"Ya. My mom's your mom. We're twins, or so I've heard. I assume you're my brother." She said emotionlessly.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe you. Mom would have told me if I had any siblings." This girl must be crazy.

"Didn't 'spect ya to b'lieve me." The girl replied.

"Why am I supposed to?" I asked this girl, who actually did resemble me.

"My birthday is August 18th. I am seventeen. I am a daughter of Poseidon. Did he love anyone besides Sally at the time?"

"How do I know that you're even actually a daughter of Poseidon? Let alone my full sister."

"Two reasons. Hera's a b!tch, and look behind you."

He complied, for some reason. What he saw severely shocked him. There, standing right in front of him, was an exact copy of his mother. The sculpture was made out of crystal clear ice. He was speechless.

"That's ma'. Well, 's much as I can get from the picture Hera gave me when I was ten." She said suddenly, making the image melt away and fade into the darkness.

The moon was slowly coming out. Not quite full anymore, he observed, but enough to be able to see the girl a little better.

"Ok, I don't believe you're my full sister-but you are obviously a daughter of Poseidon. Welcome to the family sister." With that he shifted and crushed Louisa into a big wolf hug.

"Why didn't I know about you?"I asked my newfound sister curiously. I always wanted to meet a non evil or monster child of Poseidon, I just never expected for him or her to claim to be my twin.

"I- I'm not supposed to tell you." She faltered.

I nodded my head, though I'v never really been one to obey rules.

"Look," I started, "I don't care what the gods said to tell and not to tell me. I just learned that I have a sister and I want to know more about her."

She frowned slightly, and then shrugged her shoulders. "I'm a natural-born Guardian of Artemis. I would have killed or bitten everyone around me during a full moon if I had stayed. That's why a goddess, Artemis, took me away and brought me to the pack."

"Then why don't I remember you?" I asked, still really only halfway believing this girl who just met me.

"I believe I can answer that, young Perseus."

I jumped, and immediately spun around defensively.

"Relax, Guardian. I am not here to harm anyone, today at least."

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