Chapter Two

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Kate knew only one of the gathering.  Being seated in the corner among bronze medalists, she had nothing to do but staring out of the door. The ceiling and fans were no longer interesting subjects to study. Her name was also dumb to her. Rather than Katherine, she preferred to be called as Kate. It was short and sweet.

When she turned to her left to engage herself in observation, she saw the arrogant guy again, but he was with his parents this time. Even the setting looked like a framed picture as they were positioned nicely when she happened to look through.

His father was trying to keep the guy's hair nice and look "combed". But desperation was finely portrayed in his face. The guy's hair was unruly, as if it won't obey. His mother was tightening Mr. Arrogant's tie knot. After that, she brushed the creases off his shirt. This all made Kate smile and she did not look away. She loved this sight. It was a happy family.

"Stupid arrogant guy," she muttered as the Awarding Ceremony began. He returned and went to his seat. His glance annoyed her again, it was as if he belittled her. Kate frowned back and concentrated on the Professor's welcome speech. Why would his look matter to her anyway? She ignored his presence for the rest of the day. His family might be nice, but still she didn't like the boy. He was full of ego according to her.

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