Chapter 5: Just Good Friends

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“So, how is everyone?” Mother asked, her eyes scanning the table at the family. It was Sunday and all of the family was having dinner at Mom’s place. We only did this once a month to honor Mother’s efforts to get the family together. Usually dinners went well but today seemed super odd. A thick silence loomed in the air and the only sound audible was the clinking of forks and knives against the porcelain plates.

Mother cleared her throat. “That wasn’t exactly a rhetorical question.” She declared unhappy that the table conversation was dead.  I took a sip of my water before speaking. “I’m doing just great Mom.” I replied with a smile. I stole a glance at Michael and Brooke. They looked very uncomfortable. Even their children looked uncomfortable. It almost made me feel sorry for them. Almost. But then I quickly revoked my sympathy. They were doing their children and themselves a disservice by not acknowledging the divorce.  They were only making it worse for themselves when the news finally does come out.

“Well, at least one of my children listens to me. Brooke? “Mother asked. This was quite the shocker. For once Mother was crowning me the obedient child.

Brooke pushed a stray strand of hair from her beautiful face. “Life’s great for me Mother, nothing’s changed.” She replied with a faint smile before placing a piece of meatloaf in her mouth. She’s such a little liar!! This woman certainly deserves an Emmy for acting ability. “And Michael, you’re good too right?” By now I was convinced that Mom was going to ask everyone at the table how they were.  “I’m great.” Michael simply replied.

Oh he’s great alright, Mother. He’s divorcing your baby girl and trying to get with your oldest daughter!!

Maybe I was just a tad bit harsh with Michael the other day but I wasn’t taking it back. He expected to hook up with me so easily now that he’s getting a divorce. It certainly doesn’t happen just that fast. He had a lesson to learn. He needed to feel what it felt like to be rejected and ignored. He needed to feel what I once felt.

“So, the food’s really good, Grandma.” Harry blurted breaking the awkward silence. Mother smiled. “Why thank you Harry.” She replied. Everyone went back to picking up their forks and eating in silence. Mother sighed a very exasperated and annoyed sigh. I began to worry she was going to lose it. “If life is so great everybody should have something to talk about!! Brooke, ever since you and Michael moved to Jersey, this family’s been so distant. Why couldn’t you have just stayed in the city like Erin?” Mom asked. Brooke sighed. I could tell her patience was running thin. “Mother that’s not true. About two weeks ago we had a get together at my house. And my family is larger than Erin’s. You can’t possibly expect five people to live in an apartment.” She replied.  Mother sighed. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.” She replied

“Well I’m fine Mother. I’m not your only child. Worry about Erin sometimes. It’s not like she’s got everything together anyway.” Brooke replied as she continued eating her food. Any other time I would’ve called Brooke out about her last comment but right now I just let her slide. It wasn’t my job to tell Mother what was going on, it was hers. Maybe she wasn’t the best actress after all because right now she wasn’t doing a good job of convincing mother that everything was okay.

Shortly after dinner was over I began clearing the table. Mother was in the living room socializing with her son-in-law and grandchildren. Brooke walks in and begins grabbing a platter from the table. My hand quickly stopped her.

She huffed. “What Erin?” Brooke asked folding her arms across her chest. “What was all that at the dinner table, huh?” I asked. Brooked sighed. “Nothing. You and Mom are being so touchy and worrisome. Will you just lay off?” She asked. I stared at her, our blue eyes boring into each other. “Fine, if that’s what you want. But I’m your big sister. If you’ve got any problems, you know you can talk to me right?” I asked. Brooke sighed lightly. “I know.” She replied shortly. “Okay. Now why don’t you go in the living room and catch up with Mom? I think she’d like that. And tell Michael I could use some help with the dishes.” I instructed in a tone that only older sisters can use. “Fine.” She huffed as she exited the kitchen.

A few minutes later Michael walks into the kitchen.  “Surprised you wanted my help.” He announced rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.  I smiled. “I don’t hate you Mike. I’m just a little upset.” I replied handing Michael a pair of rubber gloves.  “Change of subject, what’s up with Brooke?” I asked as I began scrubbing the meatloaf platter clean. Michael sighed. “She’s been really witchy lately. Brooke’s going to drag me through hell with this divorce.” He replied as he grabbed a sponge, dipping it in the soapy water.  “You do realize that Mom’s up to something. You two are going to have to come clean eventually.” I declared. Michael sighed. “I know. This just is all so stressful. “He replied. His face looked so long, so disappointed. It broke my heart a little seeing him look so down.

I sighed. “Michael, I’m really sorry all this is happening.” I spoke as I began rinsing the platter. Michael sighed. “Don’t be Erin. It’s not your fault.” He assured me. Sympathy was eating away at me. I decided to be nice but not too nice.

“You know it’s been a while since we actually got a chance to just sit down and talk and I hate seeing you so down. So, why don’t we go out Friday?” I asked. “But just as friends.” I added quickly. Michael smiled. “I’d love that.” He replied. “But just as friends.” I nervously reminded him as I went back to washing the dishes.

 I know I had rejected Michael but I felt it wouldn't hurt to go a little easy on him. It wouldn't hurt to extend just a pinch of sympath. Would it?

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