Chapter 38: Give It Up

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A/N: Hi readers!! Here's the update I promised! Sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoy!!!

I could not stop thinking about the bachelorette party Michael threw for me last week.  I almost couldn’t believe the events that took place that night actually happened. It was so surreal and everything happened so quickly I didn’t have time comprehend it all. I was expecting this outing to be a friendly gathering. Just me and my best friend doing the things we loved to do. But when I arrived it was totally different. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was really sweet of Michael to do what he did  and the food was really good before I lost my dinner, but the night turned out to more of a romantic gathering than a friendly one.  Michael had made spaghetti and brought wine-two alarming signs of romantic undertones and later on that night he professed love for me. I almost should have seen it coming. I felt stupid. Stupid and angry and betrayed. I thought Michael had put his romantic feelings aside, accepted the fact that I was marrying Jake and just wanted to be friends.  What he’s told me at lunch last month was a full-blown lie. A ploy to try to win me over.  Just when I think we're back on good terms, he ruins it for himself.

Everything was déjà vu that night. Michael had done things for me almost exactly the same way I’d done them for him. Things were so similar but there were a few things that weren’t exactly the same. That deep, undeniable love I felt for Michael when I’d thrown him his own makeshift bachelor party wasn’t there. Sure, I still loved Michael but in a platonic way. It was almost as if we’d traded places. Michael now was the one hopelessly in love and I was the one getting married and in too deep with their fiancé.  Maybe, just maybe, if Michael had straightened up his act a while ago he would have had a chance. I simply loved Jacob too much to just up and leave him. I’d invested so much in him, it wouldn’t be right.  Time had run out. Wedding bells would ring and I’d be walking down the aisle- tomorrow.

“So, did you two ever decide on what you’re doing for your honeymoon? “ Melisa Carrington, my official Mother-in-law in the next twenty –four hours asked before taking a sip of wine. Tonight was Jacob and I’s rehearsal dinner. The Carrington’s- well more like Melisa- had brought it upon themselves to host the dinner. I had to admit that they did a great job. Melisa had managed to rent out the bottom floor of the Four seasons and the hors d’oeuvres were excellent.  The only down side was that there were so many people and Jake and I had to greet every one of them. My head had been spinning all night trying to match faces with names and the heels I was wearing were very uncomfortable. I just really wanted to go home and crash.

“Well, Dad is letting us borrow his yacht. We’ll just be sailing for the next three weeks.” Jacob replied. I smiled grabbing hold of his hand and Melisa gave us her famous glare of disapproval. “Well, you have to promise that you’ll be careful. I’ve heard some bad things about couples sailing on their own. They either get lost at sea or their ship sinks or the wife kills the husband and tosses him overboard.” She finished dramatically gazing in my direction. “You wouldn’t ever do that, would you Erin?” Melisa asked. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.  Jacob’s mother was a very complicated woman. She was hard to impress, very judgmental, very protective of her son and skeptical of any woman that was in a one mile radius of him. It was understandable considering the last woman Jake was serious about and it’s only normal that a mother wants a good woman for her son (trust me, I’ll be keeping a close eye out on the girl Harry chooses) but sometimes Melisa took it to the extreme. We’d clashed since the day Jacob first introduced us. I guess you could call our relationship a bit of love hate.

“Of course not. I love my Jake. I’d never throw him overboard. Not unless he deserved it.” I replied. Melisa gasped and Jake chuckled. “You watch way too much lifetime Mom. Erin and I will be just fine we’ll come back happy- and alive.” He assured her. She sighed. “I sure hope so. Oh! It looks like your Aunt needs me. I’ll be back shortly." Melisa spoke dismissing herself. I sighed a sigh of relief once she was gone and turned to Jake. “She hates me." I declared bluntly. Jacob sighs wrapping his arms around my waist. “No she doesn’t. She loves you. She just doesn’t know how to show it.” He spoke into my hair. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” I replied with a sigh. “You seem a little tense babe. Can I get you some wine?” Jacob asked. “Umm, just some water would be fine. Thanks babe.” I replied. “Okay, water for the beautiful Mrs. Carrington.” He replied with a grin. I smiled. “We’ve still got about twenty-four hours.” I replied. “Well, I can’t wait that long.” Jacob replies leaning in to kiss me. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting me water?” I asked with a smirk stopping him. “Oh, right water. I’ll be back.” He replies. I smiled as I watched Jake disappear into the crowd.

I still can’t believe I’m getting married. I can’t wait until tomorrow. I sighed as I took a seat on one of the soft couches. I almost wanted to take off my shoes but I was afraid of what Melisa might think. Just as I seemed to get comfortable a very loud and very familiar Latina voice shouted my name. I cringed. I knew exactly who that was.  I reluctantly rose from my spot on the sofa. “Eriiiiiiin!!! It’s so great to see you!!! You look gorgeous!!! Eva exclaimed once she finally reached me. She was wearing a sparkling gown that I assumed she’d made herself. The design was very similar to the dresses in her shop. Standing by her side was none other than Michael. I really didn’t want to see him after what happened Saturday but I invited him so I brought the punishment upon myself. I just hoped that Michael didn’t want to continue the topic of the bachelorette party.


“You’re glowing chica!! I know you’re muy excited about tomorrow!!” Eva exclaims loudly to Erin. I really wanted to roll my eyes but I can’t help but notice how beautiful Erin looks tonight. Something about her looks off however. She seems tired. Ever since the dinner Saturday, I’ve been worried about Erin. She just didn’t seem to be herself at all. She didn’t even respond to my confession of love for her and her purging episode worried the hell out of me. I wanted to get down to the bottom of this and make Erin mine.  Even though dinner didn’t end the way I planned I wasn’t giving up. I would use these twenty-four hours to my advantage.

Erin flashed her pretty smile. “I am. Hello Michael, I’m glad you made it.” She spoke addressing me. I really didn’t want to be there. I resented the fact that she was getting married. I was only here because she asked. Not because I was happy for her.

“I’m glad to be here. Anything for my best girl.” I replied. She smiled yet again. “Well, I’m going to see if I missed greeting any more in-laws. Thank you all so much for being here tonight. Jake and I really appreciate it. Feel free to help yourselves to some refreshments. There’s plenty. “Erin declares in an almost a rehearsed manner. She turns on her heel to leave but I reach out and gently grab her arm. Erin’s blue eyes met mine with a sort of shocked expression. “I’m going to grab a bite Papi. Do you want anything? Eva asked. I shook my head. “Go on without me. “ I replied still holding onto Erin’s wrist.  “Sure thing Michael.” She replied. I waited until Eva was gone to finally speak. “Michael, please let go of my wrist.” Erin softly commanded. “People are watching. Most of them are my new in-laws.” She whispered. “We have to talk.” I replied ignoring her previous statement. “About what?” She asked. “Saturday.” I replied. Erin straightened her dress. “Saturday was great Michael. The food was excellent. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really have guest to attend to.” She replied shooing the issue. I’m not letting her get away.

“Erin, you know exactly which aspect of Saturday I’m talking about. We really need to talk.” I replied firmly. Erin sighed. “Fine Michael, we’ll talk. But it won’t be out here.” She pried her wrist out of my grasp as started walking toward a set of glass double doors which appeared to lead out to a balcony. I follow her and once we were both outside Erin closes the door. “ Shoot.” She commands folding her arms across her chest. I took a deep breath ready to begin.

“Erin, everything I said Saturday, I meant it.” I declared. Erin stares at me blankly. “I’m sure you did.” She replied simply. I sighed frustratedly. “But you didn’t seem to take me seriously and you’re not taking me seriously now.” I replied. Erin sighed. “Michael, how can I take you seriously? I’m getting married tomorrow for Christ sakes! And in addition to that, I’m-“ She stopped mid sentence as if she were about to say something she’d regret.  I sighed taking both of her hands in mine. Right now I’m desperate. I just need her to give this all up and be mine.

“Erin, you want me. You and I both know it. There’s no need to try and fight it. You don’t have to go through with this. You can drop it all and be with me, where you belong.” I spoke passionately.  Once again Erin tore away from my grasp. She shook her head. “It’s too late.” She declared softly. Before I could reply, the door that lead to the balcony were opened by none other than that stupid boyfriend of hers, John.

“There you are babe. I’d been looking all over for you. I got the water you requested.” The bastard declares, extending a champagne glass full of water to Erin. “I was just getting some fresh air and catching up with Michael. Thank you honey.” She replies accepting the glass with a smile. Erin grabs hold of Josh’s hand and turns to me. “I’ll have to talk to you later, Mike.” She replied as she turns to leave with the douche who doesn’t even acknowledge my presence.

I just stood there angry and confused. The first time I try and confess my feelings she retches as walks away. Now she tells me it’s too late and walks away. Wedding bells may ring tomorrow but I won’t give up.

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