Chapter 20: Confessions

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Well, my plan to get dirt on Jasper fell through. But, I did get to give Harry a chance to express his feelings.  I felt really bad for him. Poor kid was already without a father and now he felt as if he was losing his mother. I bet that Judas doesn’t even care for him either.  The only thing I could possibly suggest to him was to tell his mom how he really felt.

I am proud to admit that I have accomplished the biggest step to winning Erin back. I got divorce papers! I didn’t hesitate to sign them either. Now all I needed was Brooke’s lovely signature. Of course I had to sort out a few things such custody and finances but all that would come later. This is just want Erin wanted. She wanted me to get serious. To show her that I really wanted her. I now had the proof on paper. Once I showed her the papers she couldn’t help but reconsider.

It was a Wednesday. I’d gotten off from the Hospital  late today. I was tired and couldn’t wait to get home but I’d decided that I’d drop the divorce papers off at Brooke’s place. I’d had them for about a week now and I felt I shouldn’t hesitate anymore. The sooner she got them the quicker all this would get done and the quicker Erin would be mine.

It was about 8:30 by the time I arrived at the house Brooke and I once shared. I still remember when we first brought the house. Brooke was bursting with excitement. This had been the house she’d had her heart set on all along when we first went house hunting. At the time it was a bit pricey for our income but I was willing to do anything to please the lady in my life. It’s sad to think that those days are now history for us.

I got out of my car, walked up to the door and rang the doorbell twice. I still had a key but it was late and I didn’t want to scare Brooke and the girls by just walking in the house. About a minute later both doors were opened by my second born. “Daddy!!” Emma exclaimed. She was wearing her pajamas. Her wavy hair fell around her shoulders. I scooped her up into a big bear hug. “Hi princess! Why aren’t you in bed?” I asked as I stepped over the threshold  with Emma in my arms. To be nine years old she was pretty lightweight “I was getting ready to go. Can you read me a bed time story?” She asked. I sighed. As much as I would love too I really have to talk business with Brooke.

“Not tonight sweetheart. I need to talk to Mommy. Can you tell her I’m here? “ I asked putting her down. “Okay Daddy.” Emma replied before skipping away. “Wait! Aren’t you forgetting something?” I asked. Emma stopped and turned to face me, a puzzled expression on her young face. “No.” She replied. I smiled. “You’re forgetting to give your daddy a goodnight kiss!” I exclaimed. Emma smiled running towards me. I picked her up and she placed a big kiss on my cheek. “I love you Princess. Sweet dreams.” I spoke putting her down again. “Night Daddy! I love you!” She replied before skipping away and jogging up the stairs. I waited for a while and after what seemed like forever Brooke finally came down stairs.

She smiled at me tying her robe around her waist. Her hair was damp and I assumed she’d just gotten out of the shower. “Hello Michael.” Brooke greeted me. She walked over to me wrapping her arms around my waist. Since Brooke and I were still intimate during our separation things would be more a lot more complicated with this divorce. “Hi Brooke.” I replied dryly. Any trace of excitement in my voice and she might think I was here for the wrong reasons. “Staying the night?” She asked. I shook my head removing her arms from my waist. “We need to talk.” I spoke bluntly. Brooke’s face fell. “Okay.” She replied as she began heading toward the kitchen. I followed. We always seemed to go to the kitchen to discuss things. Brooke made herself comfortable at the kitchen table. I chose to stand. Without another word I pulled the papers from  my blazer and slapped them down on the table.

Brooke’s slender fingers reached across the table in route of the papers. She picked them up, her blue eyes scanning over the words. A somber expression settled on Brooke’s beautiful face. “I thought we’d work this out Michael.” She simply declared. Sorry honey, you thought wrong.

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