Chapter 8: Two Can Play That Game

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AN:/ For those of you rooting for Michael and Erin to be together, just be patient.

I heaved a heavy sigh pushing open the door of my apartment building. I'd had the most stressful day at work and was not in a good mood. To add to my frustration Michael had been calling me non-stop lately. My cell phone's answering machine was full of his sorry messages begging me to talk to him. I refused to talk to him until he could make up his mind about what he really wanted.

I jabbed the up button on the elevator swinging my heavy camera bag over my shoulder. I was eager to get home and have a nice bubble bath to de-stress. I was late getting off work so I wouldn't be surprised if Harry had beat me home. In that case there was always leftovers in the fridge for dinner. I was in no mood to cook. That is unless Harry wanted another burnt meal. The elevator dinged and I walked through it's open doors. I placed the heavy bag down at my feet. Out of the corner of my tired eyes I saw a man walking towards the elevator but I quickly pressed the button to my floor and the doors closed before he could get a chance to get in.

Call me rude if you want to but I was beyond the point of caring. I just wanted to get to my apartment without any interruptions.

To my dismay, the elevator stopped and in walked the man I let the doors close on. A mess of brown curls stuck to his damp forehead and his shirt clung to his chest. I assumed he had just finished working out or something. I sighed as he pressed the button to his floor. He quietly came and stood next to me. "Thanks for being so courteous." He announced his voice saturated in sarcasm. "Excuse me?" I asked my tone sharp. A light smirk formed on his face. "Woah, no need to get snappy." He replied. Why the hell was he smirking? There was nothing to smirk about.

I sighed. "Look, I've had a rough day and I really don't have time to argue with someone I don't even know." I replied tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Rough day huh? Wanna talk about it?" He asked. What was this guy's problem? It was obvious that I didn't want to talk. "Nope." I replied hoping that he would shut up. "So, what floor do you live on?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. So much for shutting up. "Which button did I press?" I asked in a tone befitting of a kindergarten teacher. The man grinned. "Four. Do I get a sticker?" He asked. Just hurry and get me to my floor already!!!

"I live on the fifth by the way. We're practically neighbors." He continued. "That's fantastic." I replied sarcastically. To relief, the elevator dinged indicating it's arrival on my floor. As soon as the doors opened I was gone and didn't look back at the annoying man in the elevator.

"Home sweet home." I announced as I opened the door to my apartment. It closed behind me with a satisfying slam. "Hi mom!" Harry exclaimed from his spot on the sofa, his eyes focused on the homework in front of him. "Heya." I replied tiredly as I plopped down next to him. "Everything okay?" He asked. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I've had a really rough day Haz." I replied. "Want me to run you some bathwater?" He asked. I smiled. "You've read my mind. That'd be wonderful." I replied. "Sure thing." Harry replied. I could feel his weight leave the sofa as he headed towards the bathroom. He was such a sweetheart. I raised him right.

I was nearly asleep when there was a knock on the door. I sleepily groaned ready to tear off the head of whomever was at the door. This better be a matter of life and death to disturb my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and reluctantly rose from my spot on the sofa. I walked over to the door and in one swift motion, opened it. I was annoyed all over again when I realized who was at the door.

There standing at my door was the annoying man from the elevator. He had that same smirk on his face. Now that he was closer I got a better look at him. He was actually very handsome. He had striking facial features and piercing blue eyes. Who knew someone this annoying looked so good?

"Can I help you with something?" I asked with a sigh folding my arms over my chest. His smirk widened. "No, but I think I can help you with something. You were so eager to get off the elevator that you forgot this." He replied holding up my black camera bag. I was so tired and so annoyed I'd completely forgotten I had it with me. That camera cost a fortune and I certainly couldn't afford to lose it. I instantly felt bad for being so rude and snappy earlier.

"Wow. I totally forgot I had it with me. That was so irresponsible of me. Thanks so much...?" I replied talking the bag and swinging it over my shoulder. "Jacob. But you can call me Jake for short. Whichever floats your boat." He replied. I smiled. "Well thanks so much Jake. I owe you big time. How can I repay you?" I asked. So I was going out of my way to please a perfect stranger. But hey, he was nice enough to find my apartment and return my camera that I left on the elevator trying to avoid him. He didn't have to do that.

Jacob smiled. "How about a name and a number?" I feel the color rising to my cheeks. It had been forever since someone was interested in getting to know me. In fact, the last guy who'd asked for my number was Leif and that was ages ago.

I nervously tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Well, I'm Erin and here's my business card. It's got the home and the cell." I replied reaching into the side of my camera bag and retrieving one of my business cards. I handed the card to Jake who smiled widely. "Thanks, Erin. Keep a better eye on that camera." He said with a wink before walking away. I sighed dreamily. What a perfect way to end a bad day.

It was as if Jacob arrived right on time. It seemed that whenever Michael was being difficult and playing his games, guys seemed to fall right at my feet. First there was Leif, that didn't end as well as I thought it might. Now there was Jake. It was only fair. I'd been single for so long while Michael had always had Brooke and figured he could also have me. I certainly didn't work that way. If Michael wanted to keep playing games, I'd play them too.

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