Chapter 18: Onto You

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A/N: Well, the chapter came sooner than I thought!! This way I can be working on the next one! So, should the next chapter be in Erin's POV or Michael's ? This chapter's back to Erin's but I must warn you it's a filler. Well, as always, feel free to tell me what you think!

“Hey babe, Harry told me you were a terrible cook.” Jacob teases behind my ear as I pushed the shopping cart in front of me. My refrigerator was nearly bear and I needed to pick up a few things for dinner. Harry, my typical grocery shopping companion, wasn’t home yet so I asked Jake to go to the store with me.

I shrugged inspecting a couple of tomatoes. “Well, he’s not necessarily lying. I just can’t believe he told you that. Would you like to stay for dinner and find out for yourself?”I asked tossing the tomatoes in the basket before turning to him. Jake smiled. “I’d love that.’ He replied. I smirked. “Okay but you have been warned. If anything happens to you I’m not responsible.”  I declared casually as I continued to roll the basket. “Wow, a bit harsh, huh? It can’t be that bad. Harry’s still alive.” Jacob replied falling into step next to me.  “That’s true but the kid’s got a stomach of iron vice. Harry will eat anything.” I replied with a smile.

Jacob chuckled. “Well, one thing’s for sure. I haven’t got a stomach of iron vice.” I smiled. “But I still love you anyway.” I replied. It felt really nice to tell someone you love them and know they’ll say it back.  I’ve been so happy since I’ve met Jake. I’m so thankful I left my camera in the elevator. Jacob smirks putting his arm around me. “Hey, what can I say, there’s plenty to love about me.” He replied cockily. “Don’t get too full of yourself. Mind marking tomatoes off the list?” I asked. “Yes ma’m.” He replied, doing exactly what I asked. I smiled. “I’ve gotta take you shopping with me more often”. I declared. Jake smirked. “Why, so you can show me off?” He asked. I grinned. “Maybe.” I replied flirtatiously.

“So what else is on the list?” I asked tossing a box of pasta in the shopping cart. Jacob stares down at the list. “Eggs.” He replies. “Certainly can’t forget those!”I exclaim. As I was getting ready to exit the aisle I was currently on, another basket was turning onto the aisle and collided head on with my basket.“Hey, watch it!” I shouted, the disgruntle New Yorker coming out of me. People could be so careless in this city. I looked up with agitated eyes at the person who I had the collision with and I was shocked at what I’d seen. Pushing the shopping cart was none other than Michael himself. Gosh, I always seem to run into him and the darndest of times.

For some reason I just stood there frozen, my eyes locked with his. Hadn’t really seen Michael or talked to Michael since I’d friend zoned him at Mother’s so I was quite unsure of how this meeting would turn out.

“Erin.” He finally spoke a slight grin forming upon his lips. I smiled nervously. “Michael! What are you doing here?” I asked. Okay, so maybe that was a stupid question but how else am I supposed to start conversation?  So Michael, how does it feel to be friend zoned? That certainly wouldn’t work. 

“Well, I needed to pick up a few things for dinner tonight. What about you?” Michael asked gripping his hands on the shopping cart. “Same.” I replied. Gosh this is awkward. I’m in the grocery store with my boyfriend and I just so happen to run into my best friend who lately has wanted to be more than friends.  Why can’t grocery shopping be a private thing? I bet I’m not the only person who wants to avoid certain people while they shop for food.

“Nice to see you again, Michael” Jacob says politely speaking for the first time since the accidental meeting. I almost forgot he was here. “Same here Jonathan.” Michael replies a bit nonchalantly. “It’s Jacob.” Jake replies. “Right.” Michael replied stiffly. Anyone could tell that there was a mutual dislike between Jacob and Michael. Jake however, does a much better job of masking his than Michael.

Normally a person would just say hi and bye and move on with their shopping but Michael just stood there leaning against the shopping cart as if he had time to kill. I assumed he wanted to talk to me about something and nine times out of ten it was something that we couldn’t discuss with Jacob being around. “Jake, honey, do you think you can go grab the eggs for me?” I asked sweetly. I felt kind of bad sending him away  while I talk to Michael but I knew for sure that he wasn’t going to budge. Jake smiles. “Anything for you.” He replied before walking away. I saw Michael roll his eyes as soon as Jake was gone. I sighed.

“So Erin, how are you?” He asked. I smiled. “I’m great. I couldn’t be better.” I replied. Michael nodded. “I see. And you’re happy?” He asked. I nodded. “Very.” Something about Michael’s expression told me that he wasn’t delighting with me in my happiness. If he was so much of my friend, he’d be happy for me.

“So, I talked to your Mom Saturday.” Michael declared.  I raised an eyebrow. “Really? About what?” I asked, curious as to why he’d go talk to Mother alone.  He sighed. “I told her about Brooke and I.” He replied. Hmm. After all this time he finally tells Mom about him and Brooke. What was stopping him before? “Well, that’s great. It’s about time.” I replied.  “Yeah, I figured it’s time to really get serious about this whole thing.” Michael replied. I nodded. “Good.” I simply replied. There wasn’t much to say but it was rather strange as to how Michael was suddenly hopping on the bandwagon to get a divorce. Months ago, even weeks ago he was moving slower than a sloth but all of a sudden he’s eager to get it all done.

“I got your eggs.” Jacob announces carefully placing the carton in the basket. “Thanks.” I replied sending him a smile. An annoyed expression appears on Michael’s face as Jake sneaks his arm around my waist. This tension is so unnecessary. “Well, I’ve got to get going Mike. I’ll have to talk to you later.” I spoke eager to get out of this situation. “Right. Tell Harry I said hello.” He replied.  “I will.” I smiled politely before rolling my basket off the aisle. I don’t know if Michael expected me to be impressed with the fact that he was actually taking action towards getting a divorce but to be honest I couldn’t care less.  It didn’t even matter to me anymore. Something gave me a feeling however that he was up to something.

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