Chapter Four: Causeway

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The pic on the side is Grace's dress and Danny's outfit (I imagine Danny's shirt being a bit tighter)


Chapter Four: Causeway

I laid in bed and tried not to cry for two hours.

I just don't understand how I could be so stupid? Why the hell would I think he would be okay with that? If he did that, I wouldn't be really happy either.

I know I need to fix things between us.

The only thing I hate more than alcohol is having issues with Danny.

He's the best person in my life and the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I don't like it when he's upset with me, so I pull a piece of notebook paper from my backpack and start writing a letter.

I could go downstairs and say this in person, but he might not listen.


You can say it. I'm an idiot

I crumple up the paper and start again.


At least I didn't sleep with him

I shake my head and crumble up the paper, throwing it across my room.

I don't like going to sleep knowing we're not on good terms and it's ten at night and I'm exhausted , but I refuse to sleep on bad terms with him.

I try again because maybe addressing him as Danny is too informal?

My Love,

I'm sorry. I wish I could go back and tell him to screw off, but I can't. I shoud

I crumple up the paper again and stand up, throwing all of the papers away.

Every time I find myself in a hard spot with him, there's one thing that always saves me.

Words. Words are more powerful than anything in the world.

Words have stopped shooters. Words have stopped people from jumping off a bridge. Words have married people, divorced people, birthed people, saved people lives.

Words are powerful, but for some reason, I can't think of anything decent to say to him.

My phone vibrates with a message.

Future Hubby: open your door

I stare at his message for almost a minute and then walk to the door to my room, pulling it open.

A white box is on the ground, a bouquet of red roses, and a note.

I look down the hall for him, but he's not there.

I grab the box, flowers, and note, shutting the door with my foot.

I open the note first.

Open the box before you read the rest of this

I open the box and see a blood red dress resting there. I pull it out. It has cleavage. It's a spaghetti strap and it looks skintight.

I look down at the note.

Try it on. If it fits, wear it. If it doesn't, put on that black tight dress you have. You know, the one I love taking off of you?

I feel my cheeks heat up. How can he make me blush when he isn't even here?

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