Chapter Nine: Shock

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Chapter Nine: Shock

The fire crackles in front of me. Darkness is settled, the lake is still, and there is an occasional gust of wind that rustles through my hair.

Danny and I, Megan and her boyfriend Will, Jackson, and Chris, are all being quiet. Jackson and Chris are on their phones, and Megan's head is on Will's shoulder.

We spent the day watching movies and just talking, but I noticed how not a lot of them talked to me, and I'm trying to figure out why.

When we were kids, we used to be inseparable. I fit in with their family like I was their family.

I think I'm just having a bad day because I know my Dad is mad at me.

I don't like it when people are mad at me, but the two people that upset me the most when they're mad at me are Danny and my Dad.

My Dad usually only gets disappointed, but when I texted him we got to Michigan, he read it and didn't reply.

I decide to blame my emotions on my period. I drop my head onto Danny's shoulder. He puts his arm around my shoulder and starts doing that thing where he stokes my skin with his thumb.

I'm so grateful for him.

Pepper curled into a ball under my chair, and no matter how much I try, I can't not wonder why I'm being treated weirdly.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen them in a while? But I have them on all my social media just like I do with the rest of Danny's family. They like all my pictures, even ones without Danny, and Megan sometimes comments on them. If they didn't like me, surely they wouldn't comment, right?

My phone vibrates on my lap, the screen interrupting the natural light of the fire. I glance down at it and see my Dad is calling me.

Sighing, I press answer.


"Hey kid, got a second?"

"I guess." I say.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about something." He says.

"Okay." I say, tapping my hand on my knee. "What is it?"

"Well see, I have a girlfriend." He says.


"Yes." He sighs. "She comes over a lot...and um, well, she's moving in with me."

"How long?" I wonder.

"Well kiddo, it's's been about six months?"

"She's moving in with you after six months?" I ask slowly.

Danny's already listening to me, but as soon as those words leave my lips, all his cousins and Megan's boyfriend Will give me their undivided attention.

"Yeah." He says.

I don't say anything and he doesn't either.

"Where does she live?" I ask.

"She lives in Maryland." He says slowly.

"How did you meet her?" I press.

I hear him sigh a little bit.

"Gracelyn, it's your Mom, kid. I'm back with your Mom."

I stand up slowly.


"Yeah." He says. "Are you mad?"

Don't get mad. Don't get mad.

Too late.

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