Chapter Twenty Three: Stakeout

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Chapter Twenty Three: Stakeout

"Well if this is something you really want to do, I want to come." Beatrice says.

Caleb looks at his wife in shock.

"You want to go with them?"

"Yes. Come on Caleb, we've been very curious too."

"I think it's a great idea." Abby says. "I haven't seen my Uncle and ex-aunt in years."

"Abby, you know we won't be talking to them, right?" Danny asks.

"I know that."

We all kind of exchange glances.

"Fine. I'm coming too." Caleb says.

"How do we all expect to fit in Abby's tiny car?"

"We're bringing the Jeep." Abby decides.

"That's not happening." I say.

"I can park way down the street and drive past. Grace, you and I look similar. Same color blonde hair, at least. Same build." She pauses. "If they're outside I'll drive past in your Jeep and we can get their reaction."

"That's a horrible idea." I sigh. "But it's also brilliant."

"Exactly. Who should drive my car?"

"I'm driving." I say.

"No you're not." Danny says right away. "I'm driving."


"We don't know what's going to happen. You don't need to be crying and trying to drive away. I'm driving."

He's right. Damn him.

"Fine." I give in. "Let's go now."

"Hold on." Caleb says. He walks into the garage.

A minute later, he comes back with some really expensive looking walkie-talkies.

"They work up to twenty miles. Abby gets one and we get the other. You don't drive past until we tell you, okay?"

She looks excited as she nods and takes one of them.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Beatrice claps her hands. "Pepper will be okay to stay out while we're gone?"

"Yeah." I nod. "She won't do anything."

We all get into Abby's Hyundai Veloster. It's black with very dark windows. Abby gets into my Jeep.

"I'll follow you guys." She says.

"Turn your walkie on." I call to her.

She turns it on.

"I'll man the walkie." Caleb holds it up.

Danny turns the car on and pulls out into the street.

Caleb hits the button on the machine.

"Now when we pull into the street Abby, don't follow right behind us. Wait three minutes before coming in too."

There's a pause and then static on the other end.

"Where do I wait?"

"There's a Publix across the street." He says.

"Okay." She responds.

We all drive in silence, the windows up and the AC on. Abby follows us and when we turn left into my old neighborhood, she turns right into the Publix parking lot.

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