Chapter Twenty Five: Dress Shopping

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Chapter Twenty Five: Dress Shopping

"Good lord, are you pregnant?" Abby groans, tugging at the zipper on the dress.

"I'm not pregnant!" I hiss at her. "Be quiet and don't rip the dress! Do you know how expensive this is?!"

"Please, this thing is less than half the price of mine." She mutters. "Suck in!"

"I have been sucking in!" I whisper harshly.

"It's your tits." Abby sighs. "They're way too big. No wonder Danny's marrying you. He probably can't even fit his hand around one."

"Actually, he can." I mutter. "He has big hands."

"You know what that means. Big hands means a big d-"

I elbow her in the rib causing her to cut off.

"Bitch." She mutters.

"Just unzip the damn dress." I grumble.

I hear the zipper go down and I get out of the dress.

"I'm not fat." I mutter. "Am I fat?"

"You're not fat." She mutters. "You're skinny, but your tits? Now they're fucking huge."

"Shut up, you lesbian." I mutter.

"I'm not a lesbian." She laughs. "Now cover your tits so I can leave and get somebody to get a bigger size."

I put my hands over my breasts and she slips out of the room.

After a moment, she comes back, sitting down on the bench. I sit beside her in my thong, pulling Danny's zipper jacket I stole from his closet last night over my chest.

Today is really important.

Danny and I already picked the venue and booked it. We sent out the save-the-dates and chose the type of cake and what we want it to look like and we're going to send in the order in advance. We have the wedding party and after a talk with Abby, she agreed she could be my maid of honor and she's been doing excellent so far. Megan and Miley are my bridesmaids. Beatrice is here with Caleb's sister Isabelle and Caleb's sister-in-law Marie, along with Beatrice's sister Brenda. My Aunt Vickie is here and my Aunt Denise, and my Grandma and Danny's Grandma and his Nana on his Mom's side.

We've gone to six different dress shops and I've hated practically everything I've tried, so now we're in some small dress shop in Savannah.

I hear knocking on the door.

"I got the dress." Beatrice says.

I open the door and see her holding the dress in her hand. "Thank you." I take it from her. She nods and walks back to where everyone is waiting.

Abby puts her phone down and stands up. I remove the jacket and she helps wrestle me into this dress.

She zips it up and we both look in the mirror.

"Ew." We say in sync.

"This is so ugly." I whisper, and we both start laughing. "What the hell, this looked so much cuter on the hanger."

"Gracelyn?" Aunt Vickie knocks on the door. "We've been here for an hour and you haven't come out once. I don't care how ugly it is. You have to show us something."

I look at Abby and she looks like she's going to pee from laughing.

I push the door open and come face to face with my Aunt, moving out so everyone can see me.

"Ew. What is that?" Miley says, pointing to the enormous bow. Everyone looks amused.

"Oh, honey go take that off." My Aunt Denise says, shaking her hand. "That needs to go."

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