Chapter Five: Bad News

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I thought it would be cute to see the iconic king and queen next to each other <3


Chapter Five: Bad News

During class the next day, I spent the time thinking about how much I don't appreciate Danny.

Well I do, and I buy him cute little things whenever I see them, but still. It doesn't feel good enough.

People always tell me how lucky I am to have Danny, and I know I am. He treats me like I'm his whole world.

But I want people to tell him he's lucky to have me, not for my looks.

I decide to write him a letter, and I've been planning it out all day, so I know the words will flow easily out of me.

Daniel Michael Grey,

I know sometimes I can be a little bit extra. I know I cry a lot. I know I'm clingy and I can be selfish, but I want you to know that I love you.

I love you in the mornings when your hair is messy and your voice is rough. I love you at night when your eyes are bloodshot from exhaustion. I love you when you're angry. I love you when you're sad. I love you when you're happy. You mean the world to me, and I know I'm not that good at this relationship stuff but you have filled up every hole in my heart and repaired me, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.

I don't know where I would be or who I would be if I didn't come around when you told me you loved me.

I would probably be dead or something.

Anyways, I want you to know I love you so much.

So yeah.

-your girlfriend

I glare at the letter.

It's horrible. It's completely terrible.

So I decide I'll attach it to something.

I break out all of my paints and my paper and then I go outside with a sheet and a plastic cup of water, along with my tool box of paints.

I bought Pepper with me and I have the loop to her leash hooked around my ankle so she can lie with me.

I get put a fresh sheet of painting paper and break open the paints.


I got out there at three in the afternoon and it's eight at night now. I'm using a flashlight to finish my work. I hear the gras crunching.


My eyes snap up from my painting to my boyfriend.

"Go away!" I shriek. "You're going to spoil it!"

He smiles and backs up slightly.

"Okay, okay, I can't see anything. Can I at least sit down?"

"Fine, but no peeking." I wiggle my paintbrush at him. He smiles and puts his hands up.

"I won't peek. I promise."

He sits down in the grass and watches me as I mix the right color.

He watches as I put a ton of white and a tiny drop of yellow. I mix it and add more white until I'm satisfied, and I put little tiny dots on the page and shine my flashlight on it.

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