Chapter Eight: Towel

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Chapter Eight: Towel


The passenger seat lays all the way down. Pepper lies on the back seat. Danny's seatbelt is around his waist and the shoulder strap is just kind of in the air. Danny took my grey fuzzy queen sized throw blanket and is burrowed into it. He's using one of my pillows and he's fast asleep, and has been for a few hours. Occasionally he'll open his eyes and look around, but he falls asleep again later.

The GPS took us through Ann Arbor, Michigan, and there was a horrible car accident and we sat completely still on the interstate for an hour, and we rolled a tiny bit for another hour before we got out of it, so what would have been a four and a half hour ride was bumped up to six and a half hours.

Then around four in the morning we hit Kalamazoo, Michigan, and there was another accident, so we sat for another hour, so it went from four and a half to six and a half, and now it's seven and a half.

It's six in the morning when I finally hear the GPS say the godly words, 'your destination is on the right.'

I stop in the middle of the neighborhood road, staring at the house.

I look down at the screenshot Danny sent me from his Uncle Logan with the address.

92746 Mariner Drive

I look at the numbers above the garage.


This is their house.

I pull into the driveway behind the Kia Soul, Ocean moving slowly from my shock.

The house is on an incline, so the first floor is also the second. It's green with a porch that goes around to the back.

There's a giant lake with a dock in the backyard, stone steps down the hill, and a boat tied to the dock.

The sky is magnificent shades of orange and pink and purple and blue, casting a godly glow on the house and the lake.

I always knew that Megan, Jackson, and Christian grew up in a lake house, but I never imagined it to be this beautiful.

I reach over and gently shake Danny.

I hear him grumble a couple of words.

"We're here baby."

He sighs and props himself up with his elbows, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

His gaze fixates on the lake.

"It's beautiful." I murmur.

"My girlfriend is way prettier." He mutters, half awake. His face is fresh from the morning light and his blonde hair is messy. He looks so handsome.

I laugh softly and shut off my Jeep.

He shuts the seat up and stretches, doing that thing where he yells while he stretches.

That's the best kind of stretch.

I get out and open the back door.

Pepper jumps out of the car and runs to the grass to go to the bathroom.

Danny gets out, stretching after he does, and then he walks up to the front door and knocks.

We wait a couple minutes but nobody comes to the door, so Danny knocks louder and walks over to the start of the porch to look at the lake.

Again, nobody comes to the door.

He rings the bell like six times and nobody comes.

He rubs his eyes and pulls out his phone, looking at something.

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