Chapter One: One Sip

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Welcome to chapter on of Everything Has Changed: Book Two! The little bundle on the side is of Danny. I decided I needed some more appreciation of him <3


Chapter One: One Sip

My eyes rest on my phone screen, watching the hurricane brew in the Atlantic Ocean.

The weather people don't know where it's going, but it's getting stronger by the second and either way, Miami is bound to get a ton of backlash.

I refresh the page and sigh a little when I see nothing has changed.

I've never been in a hurricane before. A tropical storm? Sure, we get one every summer here, but a hurricane? No. It's far from the coast of Miami, but the storm is supposed to be a category three by tomorrow morning, and it's only a category one.

"Dude, you turn twenty one in like, four minutes. Why are you still looking at the weather?" Roxy asks me.

Roxy is mostly an acquaintance. In fact, everyone I talk to are my acquaintances. There are only two living breathing beings within a span of two hundred and fifty miles that know about my background.

Daniel Grey and Pepper Levinsky.

The latter is my dog.

Even the people I roomed with the last three years don't know, but now I'm an upperclassmen so I have my own apartment in university village.

"Earth to Gracelyn!" Roxy snaps her fingers in my face. I snap my screens up from the projection of the hurricane to Roxy. She has dark skin and curly hair. She's really sweet and she was my roommate in freshmen year, but she was kind of messy so I moved in with somebody else in sophomore year.

"I don't really care that I'm twenty one." I admit to the group of people I'm sitting with. "It's just a birthday."

Everyone is looking at me with slack jaws.

"Are you kidding? This is the legendary year! Everyone dreams of this day!"

"Everyone but me." I yawn. I hit my home button and click on messages, checking my chat with Danny.

Me: how are you feeling hun? What's your temp?

Future Hubby: it's 102.7

Me: did you take medicine?

He read the message thirty three minutes ago exactly and never messaged me back.

I shift on the blanket we laid out in the middle of the grass on campus. He probably fell asleep.

I begged him to let me stay in with him tonight, because he was originally supposed to hang out with me and our group of people we hang out with, but this morning he woke up with a fever and told me he felt stuffy, so I forced him to stay in. I don't want him sicker than he already is. Tomorrow I'm taking him to the walk in clinic at walgreens to get him some medicine. Birthday or not, he's my priority.

Well, him and Pepper.

I see the clock change to midnight and everyone starts cheering and clapping me on the back and I just kind of smile along with them awkwardly.

I'm not a fan of alcohol, but I am curious. I told Danny countless times that he could try it. I don't care if he drinks, and he did try it even though he didn't want to make me upset.

He had two sips and was done.

Turns out, he hates alcohol just as much as I do.

I wasn't there when he was drinking, I was in bed with Pepper, but he came to my dorm and I was watching Netflix, and he knocked on the door and when I let him in, he didn't say a word to me, he just walked to my bed and laid down.

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