Chapter Seven: Rest Stop

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Chapter Seven: Rest Stop


I don't hear Scott's reply to Grace, I just clear my throat and speak up.

"I'm going to go outside for a minute." I say. Everyone looks at me and I slip outside. I brace myself against the railing of the front porch, and I feel gross.

The closer we got to this stupid house, the worse Grace felt, and I led her right to it.

And since when was Grace suicidal? She was going to kill herself?

I don't know how I stopped her, but what if what I did...was a few seconds too late?

My baby girl could be buried right now, because of everything that happened in this house.

I feel like I'm going to be sick, and I need to leave this house.

There's no way I'm staying here until this storm is done.

I son's know why I came. Maybe I don't feel like an adult? I am obviously, but our parents treat us like kids.

I'm not a kid and Grace isn't either. We're a couple, a very serious couple, and at the end of the day, she's my priority.

So if she was my wife, I never would have brought her here.

She's mine. My priority, which means we're leaving.

I think about my aunt Isabelle and Uncle Logan. I have three cousins there, one of them named Megan, she's twenty two, one of them is Jackson, he's twenty, and one is Christian, and he's eighteen.

They own a lake house on Lake Michigan and it's five bedrooms.

With three kids, that's means they have one guest room.

I haven't seen them in years but I keep in contact with my cousins. They always loved Grace...they know what happened, because Grace and I were raised so my family is her family is vice versa.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and open my contacts, scrolling through.

I stop on Aunt Izzy and hit on her and tap the phone symbol.

If they say no, I'll call my Grandmother in Vermont, or my Uncle in Kentucky, and then I'll take Grace's phone and start calling her relatives until I have somewhere we can go.

It rings five times and then stops.

"Well if it isn't little mister Daniel." Aunt Izzy says.

"Hey Aunt Izzy." I say.

"How are you doing kiddo? I hope you got away from that storm. Beatrice said you guys were thinking about coming up to Daytona."

"Yeah, well we actually went to Grace's old house." I say.

"You brought Grace to that house?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say. "Which is actually why I'm calling..." I trail off.

"You want to come stay here." She says.

"Yeah. I know it's last minute and I completely get it if we can't, but it's just me and Grace...and Grace's dog..."

I hear her sigh a little.

"Can I call you back? I'll call you in like...ten minutes."


We get off the phone and I sit around, looking at that spot on the ground where Grace got cut on that can.

Did Grace ever cut herself?

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