Chapter Seventeen: The Sandwich Shop

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I was super tired after work and was not planning on writing today but then I saw all of you guys literally begging me to update, so here it is

Also, the ring is on the side


Chapter Seventeen: The Sandwich Shop

"Are you serious?" I ask Danny, my smile fading completely. "Why not?"

"We can find another way to make money." He says.

"So now you don't want to find a house and flip it?"

"We have enough to worry about with planning the wedding." He sighs.

"We're going to have to put our lives on hold if we don't get a house, Danny."

"Grace, not everything has to go by this clock you have set up in your mind." He says gently. "We will be married before you turn twenty six, but-"

"What if I turn thirty and I can't have kids?" I stand up.

"Grace, your Mom got pregnant with your brother or sister in her forties."

"So?" I push. "I'm not her."

"Biologically, the chance of you being infertile at thirty is one in a million-"

"There was a one in a million chance that Hannah Montana wasn't going to be able to sing again." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Will it make you feel better if I promise you we'll have kids before you're thirty?"

"I want kids in the lake house." I sigh. "I don't see why we can't just flip a house. We agreed when we bought the property that we were going to flip a house."

"Grace, people change their minds."

"But this can set us back years!"

"I know, but we need to focus on the wedding."

"We can focus on both!" I insist. "Why are you backing out? What's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong."

"So now I'm ten thousand dollars down the drain for nothing!" I say, frustrated.

"Do you want to sell the property?" He asks.

"Danny!" I snap."What the hell! No, I don't want to sell the property! I want to get a house to flip it-"

"Well I don't want to do that until after the wedding." He says calmly. I hate how, when we very rarely argue, he stays completely calm.

"But that will set us back-"

"A few months." He says. "It will set us back a few months."

"Danny," I begin, frustrated.

"I promise you that we will be in the lake house by...twenty nine, okay? We can move in while you're pregnant."

"Fine." I grumble.

"Okay? Don't be mad at me. This is a good plan."

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