Chapter Thirteen

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Finn grabs his keys and we both shut the door. It so cold outside. Finn felt like a morning walk and I agreed to go with him, as we reach the post office I walk in, yesterday there was a note in the post saying there is a parcel to pick up for me! I got really excited because I never get mail. I hand the slip to the front and the worker disappears around the corner. When she comes back she hands me a small box, I thank her and walk out of the shop,

"What is it?" Finn asks

"I'm not sure"

"Open it"

As I turn the box on its size I see a label that has Australia on it, I open it and see a yellow decorated frame with a picture of Steph, Rosie and I, it was my favourite picture of us all together. A card was underneath it, I teared it open and read the inside:

To Summer,
We miss you so much. We hope you have the best birthday, except it won't be that good cos we're not there, but anyway. I hope England is going alright and you are enjoying yourself,
Love you,
Steph and Rosie. xxxx

"Well that's nice" Finn said looking at the frame and the card

He offers to hold the parcel and I let him, as we turn around to start heading back a magazine stand catches my eye. Oh.My.God. Why am I on the front of a magazine ?! Louis's New Girl?! It's a picture of Louis and I at the waterpark holding hands. What's happening? I start to flip through

"Miss you have to buy the magazine if you want to read it"

I huff and hand the man some coins

"Finn, I'll come back a bit later"

He nods and starts walking into the direction of our house. I continue flipping until I reach the article. Louis in One Ditection? Why didn't he tell me? This can't be true, Louis isn't famous or in a boyband. Now I'm some girl scandal. I stop reading by my phone ringing, it's Louis

"I can explain Summer"

"Louis what the hell is wrong with you"

"Just let me explain"

"I'm on the cover of a magazine!"

"You need to come to my apartment I need to tell you in person, please let me explain Summer"

"I still can't believe you, I will come but you owe me a very good reason"

I end the call and a minute after I receive a text with Louis's address, I can't believe what's happening. Is Louis famous or something ?

I quickly walk to his address, I stop at the door and ring the doorbell,

"Hey Summer"

"Hi" I say frustrated

He gestures me inside, it's a nice house, like really really nice. I can hear voices from the living room as I walk in

"Meg, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall what are you all doing here?" I say happily hugging them all

"We need to tell you something" Louis says, I look over to Louis glaring

"Go on"

Everyone on the couch starts nervously shifting around. They know too.

"Sothesefourboysandiarekindainaboyband" Louis said really quickly fidgeting with his fingers


"Okay" he takes a deep breath " Us five boys are all in a boy and, One Direction and we didn't tell you because we thought you would have treated us differently, I didn't mean in any way to upset you or lie to you, I thought it was for the better, I'm really sorry Summer."

I freeze. Did he just say he was in a boyband? With those five other boys? Then why is Meg here? I realise I'm still standing still, not saying anything and everyone is waiting for a reply.

"Ermm, ok"

Nice Summer.

"Why is Meg here though?" I manage

"I already knew" she answered


"I'm sorry"

I start stomping down the hallway, I'm about to open the door when someone grabs my arm,

"Summer, please forgive us, I know you would be upset, but your a great girl, and I don't want to lose you..."
Louis said staring at the ground

"It's alright I forgive you, but it might take some time to take in that I'm friends with a very famous boyband. But Meg lying to me that hurts, I'm going back home, we can catch up later" I hug Lou and walk out the door

"Bye Summer, I'm really sorry you had to find out this way"

I wave to him and walk around the corner. Meg. Meg. Meg. Meg. She lied to me for god knows how long, she is supposed to be my best friend. I hate when people lie to me. God. I thought I could trust her. After my huffing, stomping and tantrum session, I'm now home.

I run into the kitchen, grab the icecream container from the fridge and a spoon and I head to the couch. I lie down and pull a blanket over me. The Titanic disc sits on the coffee table and I slide the DVD into the machine and wait for it to play. This is weird, eating icecream, lying on the couch, watching titanic it's what I always do after break-ups. I finish the movie, wiping the last of my tears, it's so sad. The door bell chimes and I go to open it

"I bought cookie-dough...." Meg says nervously at my door,

"Come in" only because I like cookie dough

She sits on the couch and takes the spoon and icecream container from my hand and bursts into tears

"Meg, what's wrong"

"I thought you wouldn't want to be my friend again cos I lied to you and I'm really sorry, please forgive me Summer" she manages inbetween sobs

I shuffle over and give her a hug and I start to cry too

"It's alright Meg, I over-reacted and your my bestest friend and when you cry I cry, I'm sorry" I say crying away

We both continue hugging and crying when Jack and Finn enter the room

"They're watching Titanic" Finn says rolling his eyes

"Urghh, god emotional girls, it's not even that sad"

"Are you serious, Titanic, how is that both the most sadest, heart-throbbing romance movie" Meg answers

We both wipe our eyes and talk about romance and sad films for the test of the night also eating our cookie dough. I'm glad that got sorted out. I am falling for someone in One Direction. I'm falling for Louis in One Direction. I think a couple more magazine covers will be coming up.

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